44.That Night ~1

846 29 87

Recap: "Much much before"


(5 years ago)

"No Jake stop itt" 16 year old Carly squealed as the brunette boy tickled her. "Off Carly, Jake" came a grumble and Jake got off the blond, looking at Oscar munching on chips. "Come on man" Jake whined and Oscar shook his head.

"Carly, princess can you wait upstairs?" Oscar asked her and Carly rolled her eyes. "I'm the same age as you Os, stop treating me like a child" Carly groaned and Oscar raised his eyebrows. Carly huffed and kissed his cheek.

"Alright I love you" She grumbled before walking upstairs. "Oscar come on man" Jake began but Oscar shook his head. "Look I don't care that we're best friends but stay away from Carly please" Oscar said, missing Jake clench and unclench his fists.

"Alright I will. I got to be at someone's place now, bye Oscar. And think about my offer" Jake smiled and Oscar nodded, mirroring his expression. "Yeah see you later bro" Oscar said, locking the door behind Jake.

 He sighed, knowing exactly what Jake was talking about and he wondered what he was to do. Oscar knew if he refused, Jake would be disappointed and if he accepted, Carly would be disappointed.

His parents were a whole another matter. Oscar sighed walking upstairs into Carly's room. "Cuddlee meeeeee" Carly whined as he walked in and he laughed, feeling his worries leave him and he flopped in bed next to her.

"So what are we watching today" Oscar asked, wrapping his arms around her, spooning her with a hand on her thigh. It was a comfortable position and no one could explain why but the pair always slept like this.


Meanwhile, Jake pulled up to a grand house and knocked on the door. "Hello Jake" Mrs.Seavey smiled, letting him in and he smiled in response. "H-Hi Jake" Anna blushed lightly and Jake smiled back at her, knowing well and good she had a crush on him.

But the only girl he wanted was Carly and he would have her. He just had to convince Oscar to stop being overprotective of his smoking twin sister. "Hey man" Daniel smiled, looking up from his controller. "Hey dude" Jake said, fist bumping Daniel as he sat down on the bed.

"So whaddup?" Daniel asked as he tossed Jake a controller but Jake shook his head. "We have to talk about something Daniel" Jake said and Daniel raised his eyebrows but switched off the t.v anyway.

"Daniel look, I was thinking" Jake started, trailing off soon as the door opened. "Oh hey Jake. Dani mom says dinner will be ready soon. Is Jake staying?" Christian asked and Jake shook his head. 

"No I've gotta be home soon" Jake smiled and Christian nodded. "Alright I'll tell mom. Daniel you gotta finish your homeowrk" Christian said and Daniel graoned. "Why can't you do it for mee" Daniel whined and Christian chuckled.

"Because neither me or Tyler wanna take over the business and its upto you now" Christian said before closing the door behind him. "You'll be taking over the family business?" Jake asked and Daniel nodded.

"Yea man, I told you before" Daniel said and Jake shrugged. "Must have slipped my mind" He said and Daniel nodded. "So what were you gonna tell me?" Daniel asked and Jake fidgeted with his fingers.

"Jake we're best friends and I don't think anything's gonna change that. You can tell me freely" Daniel said and Jake sighed. "I'm going to join a gang" Jake said really fast but Daniel caught the words.

"Haha ok wonderful joke" Daniel laughed before grabbing his controller again. "No Daniel I'm not joking" Jake said and Daniel turned to him wide eyed. "Not joking? Jake do you understand-" Daniel began but Jake cut him off.

"Yes I do Daniel and I am half joined. But theres a rule where if someone has to join, they have to bring atleast one or two people with them" Jake said and Daniel's jaw dropped. "And you want me to join?" Daniel asked and Jake nodded.

"Jake you know I can't do this to my family" Daniel began but Jake cut him off. "Daniel I know but we could be so rich so powerful and when we take over our dads' businesses we would be unstoppable" Jake said, trying to convince his brunette best friend.

"I...Jake I don't know. Did you get someone else?" Daniel asked and Jake nodded. "One of my other friends, Oscar. I'll introduce you both sometime soon" Jake said and Daniel shrugged.

"And oh bro, you gotta meet his sister, shes the fucking bomb" Jake laughed, trying to lighten the mood and Daniel raised an eyebrow at him, clearly amused.

"No I fucking swear. The amount of times I have jacked off to her is insane" Jake said and Daniel laughed. "But I got to go. Think about my offer ok?" Jake asked and Daniel nodded.

A week later, Daniel got out of his car, seeing Jake and a blond guy waiting. The guy who he didn't know was saying something and rubbing his head stressed and Jake was calming him down.

"She fucking hates me now, my parents kicked me out" The guy was rambling and Daniel felt his heart clench a bit. What would he do if his parents found out?

"Daniel! Glad to see you came, meet Oscar Aldern, he prefers his middle name now" Jake said and Daniel smiled, shaking hands with the other guy. "Hey I'm Oscar, you must be Daniel Seavey" The blond guy said, his tips brown showing he had dyed his hair before.

"Yeah nice to meet you" Daniel smiled, shaking his hand and the trio walked in. Daniel kept having second thoughts about this whole thing, but knew he couldn't let down his best friend.

"This is Oscar and this is Daniel" Jake said to a guy sitting on a leather chair, tattoos and piercings all over his body. "And they both are willing?" The guy asked and Jake nodded.

Daniel fidgeted with his fingers, wishing he could back out and he finally decided it was his life and his choice. "Alright Jake you may enter the gang with these two-" the guy began but Daniel cut him off.

"Jake I-" Daniel began and both Jake and Oscar looked at the brunette boy. "Daniel what happened? Why are you so paranoid?" Jake asked, his eyes begging Daniel but the blue eyed boy couldn't.

"I can't do this"


Ok so pointer to note, I named the chapter 'That Night~1' and Ik theres no actual wording in the chapter like that but I felt it was appropriate 🙃

We found out who Oscar is, Carly's twin, who all expected it? Jake and Daniel were best friends, I feel so fucking evil right now like-

The best part is, so were Oscar and Jake BAHA I'm dying. Also preparing myself for the threats-

But part 2 out tomorrow, eekkk I'm excited!

But I love you guys!💖


The Business Deal ||D.J.S✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora