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recap: For Daniel had kissed her


Ask her later, she'd say she felt nothing. But in that moment, Carly felt whole. She felt sparks, as cliche as it sounds. Daniel pulled away and Carly stood there, silent as a mouse. "Thank god you shut up" Daniel said, rolling his eyes and Carly opened her mouth, however no words coming out. Silently, she sent a death glare to Daniel who chuckled. 

Daniel slowly walked over and helped Zach up, who stared at Daniel like he was foreign. "Why are you guys so surprised?" Daniel frowned and Racheal spoke up. "Not many people can stop Carly when she's screaming, annoyed. The only two people were her mother and Oscar and even her mum had trouble" Racheal stared, baffled and Daniel frowned as Carly whacked Racheal in the head.

"Who's Oscar?" He frowned. "No one. We have more important things. Zach, do you still have the threats?" Carly asked, her attempt to divert the topic fortunately working. Zach gave them the envelope and Carly nodded. "I'll ask Noah to look into this" Carly said and Jack grinned. "Tell him to call me" he said and Carly nodded, grabbing Daniel's hand and dragging him out.

"Why won't you tell me who Oscar is?" Daniel frowned as they entered the elevator.  "You don't need to know everything Daniel. I'll tell you when I want you to know" Carly groaned, shoving him back so that his back hit the elevator walls. Suddenly, the elevator stopped at then 17th floor and Carly's eyes widened at the guy standing outside.

Pulling up her hood, she shoved herself onto Daniel, who frowned, obviously confused as she buried her face in his neck, however wrapping his arms around her waist upon her request. "No man.....They were out at the bar.....Don't understand why you didn't kill her along with-....Ya Ya alright....I won't your highness....I gotta date, Bye" The man said as he finally noticed Daniel and Carly. 

"Oohh man, did you drug her?" He said, and Daniel gripped Carly's waist tighter, shaking his head no. "She's drunk. We were over at a friends" He smiled and the guy nodded, looking at Carly up and down. "She your girlfriend?" he questioned. Daniel picked Carly up bridal style as he walked out of the elevator. "She's my fiance" he smiled, walking towards his car.

Daniel placed her in and got into the driver's seat. "Thank you. A lot" Carly said, punching in another address into the GPS. "Your welcome. But who was that?" Daniel asked, beginning to drive. "This guy I used to know. Stupid motherfucker." Carly growled and Daniel raised his eyebrows, however not saying anything.

"So whos Noah? Can I know this atleast?" Daniel asked and Carly nodded. "Noah's a detective. He helped me and the other boys a lot when we were in college, since we had 2 years to do everything as our dads put us in the quick program" Carly said and Daniel nodded. "I know that feeling. I had to do the same" He said as he pulled up to a blue colored house.

"Hey Noah!" Carly smiled when a red haired guy opened the door and he smiled, pulling her into a hug. "Dada? mama aswk who awt dwoor?" said a small girl and Carly smiled, crouching. "Hi honey. I'm aunty Carly. Whats your name bug? " Carly spoke in a soft tone and Daniel smiled at the sight.

"I'm wiolwet" She squealed and Carly chuckled. "Violet go play with mumma" Noah said before welcoming them in. "So whos the guy Carls?" He asked, giving them cups of cocoa. "My fiance, Daniel. Dad made some deal" Carly said and Noah smiled. He extended his hand to Daniel who took it. "Nice meeting you Daniel. I'm Noah Williams, detective department of LAPD. Take care of Carly. She's a little annoying but a wonderful person" 

"Pleasure's mine, and of course Mr.Williams" Daniel replied. "So? What brings you here Carly?" Noah questioned and Carly explained everything, handing over the pictures as they walked back to the car. "He's a nice guy" Daniel said in the car and Carly nodded. "Can you stop at McDonalds? I'm hungry" Carly asked and Daniel chuckled, going through the drive thru.

"What do you want?" Daniel asked the blond in the passenger seat. "A double cheeseburger with sprite and nuggets" Carly grinned. And that is how big bad CEO of Seavey.Inc and his fiance sat and ate cheeseburgers in the car. However, not peacefully.

Midway, Daniel's phone rang and Carly noted the contact to be 'mum' and after a few words, Daniel handed the phone over to Carly. "She want's to talk to you" he said upon her confused look.

"Hello Mrs.Seavey?.....Yes....Sure...Tomorrow?...Ya I'll inform mom...Ok...Thanks Mrs.Seavey...Ok Mrs.Seav- Sorry, Keri...Ya sure...I'll let Daniel know...Bye" Carly smiled, handing the phone back to Daniel then groaned. "What happened?" Daniel asked, amused as he bit into the last few pieces of his burger whereas Carly had already moved onto her nuggets.

"We're going dress shopping. God my mom's gonna fuss about her only daughter's going to get married. Your mom also told me to tell you she's sending over a nice clean suit the day before the wedding cause you might mix it up with your other ones. GODS. Why are weddings so mentally frustrating" Carly groaned, and Daniel chuckled. 

"I'd say leave the planning to our mothers. They view this as an actual intertwining of souls and not as a contract so let them" Daniel said, chewing on his fries and Carly wouldn't admit it, but that did hurt her a little. "I already told my mom she could do it" Carly shrugged and Daniel nodded, thoughtfully. And that night, as Carly went to sleep with Daniel's hands wrapped around her waist, her last lingering thought was a question.

'What if this was actually real and not something fake and forced'


Hii! Sorry, this was more of a filler chapter and I literally hate this but oh well. I want gummy bears rn, ughhh. 

Anyone thinks Daniel's a little bitch who doesn't care about peoples feelings? Oh trust me, he cares A LOT. Why? It will be answered few chapters later :)

Question: To all the writers, Do you ever mix up the character names? Cause I keep writing Alexa and not Carly, UGHH

There isin't much to say about this chapter. Its simply a matter of 'I am not satisfied with it and I hate it'

A small question, do you guys actually read this? And do you guys find it annoying. If atleast one is a no,  I can stop.. I personally love to know what the author thinks so I'm very honest with ya'll. If you don't like it, lemme know!

I love you guys so much!💕


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