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Recap: "What happened?"


After Jenna walked back to the front to give them space, Daniel moved closer to her and she lightly flinched, Daniel moving back from Carly. "No please I'm sorry" Carly said, her voice cracking as she moved a bit forward, shivering.

Daniel pulled off his hoodie, going to help Carly into it as she pulled off her flannel. He slowly helped her into it and she collapsed against him, fresh tears falling. "Shush your fine love, what happened?" Daniel asked, pulling her into him and she wrapped her arms around him tightly.

 "I- I went to my friend's house and this old guy was in the elevator. I left at like 8 and he followed me into the elevator. H-He began flirting and then I blacked out, I think he hit me with something. B-But I found myself in the forest and I was in my bra and he ripped my clothes and-" Carly sobbed into Daniel's neck as he slowly ran his hands through her hair.

"Did he. Did he rape you?" Daniel asked softly and Carly shook her head lightly. "H-He touched me though" she whimpered and Daniel's palms formed fists but he slowly calmed himself down, knowing that getting Carly back home now was more important.

"Love lets go home" he whispered and Carly nodded, trying to get up but Daniel picked her up instead. She wrapped her legs around his torso, burying her face in his neck, her arms around his shoulders as Daniel began walking.

"Hey Jenna right? Thank you for keeping her safe" Daniel smiled, pushing a few hundred dollar bills towards the purple haired girl who's eyes widened.

"S-Sir this is a lot-" She began but Daniel shook his head. "Keep it" he said. "Thank you" Carly mumbled to Jenna loud enough for her to hear it as Daniel walked out of the small store.

He placed Carly down onto the passenger seat before walking over and sitting down on the drivers seat. He began driving, the GPS telling him the directions. 

Daniel soon heard light snores and smiled when he saw Carly asleep. He stopped the car on the side, and leaned over, adjusting the seat so she was laying down. 

Carly lightly turned around, curling up so she was facing him but she kept sleeping, making Daniel sigh in relief as she wouldn't need to wake up to find him hovering over her.

He looked at the blond girl sound asleep as he drove. He was done listening to other people. He would re-build their relationship. He knew it was going to take a lot, but he was done being other people's bitch.

Done running around like a scared puppy. And he would face the consequences. For Carly was the only one he opened upto again. The only one he wanted to cuddle with, to hold hands as they walked, to laugh at stupid jokes with.

"Shit I love her" Daniel growled under his breath as he came to the realization. "Shit shit shit fuck" Daniel said, turning into the highway knowing they had a solid 20 minutes left in the drive.

"No how did this happen. Shit what if I ruin her life too" Daniel  groaned, running one of his hands through his hair, the other steady on the wheel.

"Are you fine" Came Carly's sweet voice and Daniel turned to look at her. 'Except for the fact that I realized Im in love with you? Yeah' Daniel thought to himself.

"Yeah Im fine" He sent her a small smile before looking back at the road. "Ok" she mumbled, closing her eyes again. As Daniel finally pulled up to their apartment parking, he noticed his wife still sound asleep.

He gently picked her up bridal style, walking to the elevator. The ride took a bit longer but Daniel managed to get out and unlock the door, Carly now clinging like a sloth to him.

"I- I wanna shower" Carly mumbled as Daniel placed her on the bed. "Its 2 in the morning love" Daniel said, removing her shoes and Carly groaned.

"Please I feel disgusting" Carly mumbled and Daniel sighed, helping her up. Carly walked out, wet hair and in a towel 15 minutes later while Daniel sent mails, trying to find out who this old guy was.

"My cuts bleeding again" Carly mumbled and Daniel looked up at her. "Can you wear your underwear and maybe shorts and a tank top and we'll treat it?" Daniel asked her, the words somehow coming out rudely and Daniel winced at his own tone.

Carly walked out of the closet a few minutes later, towel still wrapped around her and Daniel could see the straps of her bra. "My tank tops and shorts are in the wash" she said fiddling with her diamond ring and Daniel motioned her to come closer.

Telling her to take a seat on his lap, her grabbed the rubbing alcohol and lightly pressed it on the cut, making Carly wince and drop the towel she was holding. Embarrassed, Carly picked up the towel and wrapped it around her again but not before Daniel caught a good look, and damn was she beautiful.

 Her tried to distract himself, to think of anything but her body clad in lace underwear but her smooth skin of her thigh against his legs weren't helping at all.

"Your done you can get up now" Daniel said, flustered trying not to let himself get hard and he looked down, never noticing Carly's face drop at his tone.

'He doesn't want me' Carly thought as he looked anywhere but her. 'Of course he doesn't. Really thought he'd like you?' Katie said and Carly gulped.

"C-Can I wear your hoodie" Carly asked and Daniel nodded, walking to the bathroom fast. Carly pulled on his hoodie that went till her mid to upper thigh and blow dried her hair before walking to the bed.

She slowly slipped under the covers, facing away from Daniel who was already on the bed. She felt Daniel's arms snake around her waist and pull her closer to him and she turned around so she was facing him, a confused expression on her face as he lightly kissed her forehead.



Cute and cuddlsy chapter cause I was feeling soft and not

'Daniel looks at Carly, looses focus on the road, they crash into another car, emergency ICU for the both'

Um yea ur welcome😌🤪

I wouldn't have done it either way dw. Um Daniel loves Carly but she doesn't know, thinks he hates her ehe Im mean-😌

Im like 70% wanting to take down the titles for each chapter cuz they shit, convince me yes or no🥺

I love you guys!♥️


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