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Recap: Before everything went black


 Carly awoke to find herself in the middle of a forest, endless trees in all directions. Her flannel had been ripped and tied around her wrists which were bound behind her back.

He tank top had also been ripped off into shreds on the floor, making her cold with the thin lacy bra she wore. Her jeans had been cut into shorts, the chilly November air brushing her legs. The extra denim material was stuffed into her mouth which she spat out.

Carly realized she needed to get out here, and fast. She also realized this guy was dumb as fuck for not tying up her legs but hey, she was grateful for that.

She saw her phone on the ground, crushed along with her sim card into non working pieces. She knew the guy had done nothing to her because there was no soreness like her friends had said there would be.

She slowly began working on unraveling the cloth which was surprisingly easy, the knot not too tight. The man came striding back, a knife in his hand and smirked when he saw her.

"Hello babygirl. Awake I see. I wanted to wait till you were up so" he paused, walking closer and trailing his finger up her arm. "Get away from me" Carly said and the man rolled his eyes, and ran his knife along her skin.

He did that before suddenly pushing it into her skin, making her scream from the pain. It was deep enough to bleed but not deep enough to leave a scar or so.

He grabbed her by the neck, lightly choking her just as Carly had the last loop to free the knot. "So beautiful" he mumbled under his breath and Carly thrashed around, aiming to kick him in the nuts but hitting his thigh instead. 

"You little whore-" He growled, angry but Carly kicked him in the face and took off. She ran, weaving through the thick trees, trying not to trip on the roots. She stopped to catch her breath, the flannel still in her arms, and she wore it, the bottom half ripped badly but it looked like a trend, a style. 

She heard a twig snap somewhere close and began running, till she finally reached a small town. She noticed many shops were boarded up or closed but one was open, and she noticed a payphone there also. 

Running her hands through her hair, pulling out any sticks that came in the way, Carly briskly walked to the shop and pushed the door open. A girl with purple hair sat, her legs on the counter as she read a book and she looked up, her eyes widening at Carly and her appearance. 

"Um theres a guy chasing me can you help me out?" Carly asked quickly and she nodded, leading Carly to the back and into the employers room. "Sit here and once he's gone I'll help you ok?" She said before disappearing to the front again.

 Carly heard a small ruckus, before the girl walked in 10 minutes later. "Hes gone now love. We need to bandage your cut" the girl said pointing to her bleeding cut. "I- I don't have any money" Carly stuttered but the purple haired girl shook her head.

"Its on the house. Im Jenna" she said. "Carly" the blond answered as Jenna came back with bandages. "Do- Do you have a phone?" Carly asked, cold and Jenna nodded, giving Carly her phone.

"Where are we?" Carly asked her. "San Marino. Its the outskirts though. Where do you live?" Jenna asked her. "Beverly Hills" Carly answered her.

Carly dialled Daniel's number, waiting for him to pick up. "Hello?" A girls voice sounded and Carly froze up in shock. "Daniel?" She asked, her heart breaking as she thought of what Daniel could be doing with a girl.

"I don't know a Daniel, I am not a Daniel either. You probably got the wrong number" said the voice before hanging up. Carly looked to see that it was infact the wrong number and her heart rate began slowing to a normal again.

"Daniel?" She asked quietly as the caller picked up again. "Yes this is he speaking" Carly heard Daniel's voice through the phone but it sounded raspy, like he had been asleep or crying.

"Daniel its Carly" she said. "Carly? Oh my god where are you. Its like 1 in the morning" Daniel began freaking out. "In San Marino. The outskirts apparently" Carly said and she heard Daniel sigh frustrated.

"What are you even doing there?" He asked but Carly couldn't tell him. Not over the phone at least. "C-Can you get here fast. Please" She begged and she heard keys clinking.

"I'll be there soon" He said before hanging up. "Boyfriend?" Jenna asked as she packed the first aid kit supplies. "Husband" Carly said and Jenna's eyes widened.

"Oh damn wow" she said and Carly smiled at her. "Carly someone's here to see you" Jenna yelled a good half an hour later, leading Daniel to the back where Carly sat curled up.

His blue eyes took in her appearance, ripped clothes, uneven hair, makeup taken off, eyes red and puffy. He looked at the bandage, a red line showing through and he looked into her eyes as he slowly crouched down.

"What happened?"


Um ehe yeah. San Marino is an actual place in L.A I did my research😌

I probably am posting this like much later so just in case, finished on 07/14/2020 at 8.25am hehe

But like I said, the rest of the books gonna have 75% drama and 25% cutesy shit so get ready *rubs palms together with evil grin*

But I love you guys!♥️


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