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Recap: It went black.


Daniel sighed frustratedly, running a hand through his hair as he received the same message over and over again. 'The number you are trying to call has been switched off. Please try again later' was what Daniel heard once again and he growled, throwing the phone down.

"Where the fuck is she" he growled out, trying to call her again, text after text being sent too. It had been 10 minutes since the girls had called, stating that Carly never turned up to the cafe they were to meet at.

And Daniel wad going crazy. Finally taking his chances, he got out of the house in a tank top and sweatpants and rode down the elevator, freezing in his tracks soon after he got out.

For there was Carly's car, her keys dropped on the floor but there was no other traces. And when Daniel received a call from a number he knew too well, he finally connected the dots.

"Jake please let her go" Daniel began when he answered the phone, back home and heard laughter on the other side. "Pleading already Seavey?" Daniel heard Jake ask and he ran his hands through his hair frustrated.

"Jake this is between you and me let Carly go-" Daniel said but was cut off by Jake. "Oh no Daniel. Carly's got everything to do with it. After all, when she finds out what you did to Oscar, what you did to your own sister oh my will she be sad" Jake laughed.

"Please don't do this, I'll give you anything you want" Daniel begged and Jake howled in laughter. 

"The only thing I want is Carly so I'll talk to you later. Maybe send you a video of her being our little tester and sex doll. You know exactly what I'm talking about right Daniel?" Jake sneered and Daniel's eyes welled up with tears.

"Jake don't ruin her life please" Daniel began, only to be cut off by Jake again. "Should've thought twice before rejecting my offer Seavey" Jake growled and Daniel collapsed onto the couch.

"It was 5 years ago Jake-" he began again. "Exactly, fiv years since you fucking humiliated me and stripped my dignity" Jake spat and Daniel sighed.

"Jake please" Daniel tried once again and Jake laughed. "No. I will strip Carly fabric by fabric like you did to my dignity, I will ruin her mind with everything that you have done, I will ruin her altogether like I did with your sister" Jake spat and Daniel let his first tear fall.

"And I just might send you videos so you can break again" Jake spat before ending the call. Daniel sighed, letting more tears fall faster. He would get Carly back.

No matter what it took. No matter if he were dead or alive by the end of it. Because she was more important. And all he wanted to tell her was 3 words. 8 letters. "I love you" he sobbed into his hands, hating every inch and aspect of his life right now.

"I will get you back my love. No matter what" 

Meanwhile Carly slowly opened her eyes, eyesight completely blurry as she blinked rapidly, trying to adjust to the bright lighting. "Well if little princess isn't awake" She heard a voice she knew too well and she looked up, eyes wide.

"mmmph mmph" Carly tried talking, her voice however muffled and thats when she began to take in her surroundings. The walls were bare without windows, the room cold and gray making her guess they were in the basement.

Her dress was thrown in the corner, and she was glad she had worn a sports bra that day as the chilly air hit her almost bare body. Her hands were bound behind her back, the rope digging into her skin. "mppphhh" She tried again, and Jake cackled.

"Not so fierce now are you doll?" Jake sneered and Carly glared at him as he smirked and leaned closer to her. Carly leaned back, trying to scamper away from him and Jake grabbed her waist to stop her.

"mmmph mph" Carly yelled, wrestling out of his grip with her hand and feet bound and Jake smirked. "Do you wanna talk doll?" Jake asked, pinching her waist and Carly nodded, sill struggling.

"Get your hands off me" Carly yelled as he pulled the cloth out of her mouth. "Now now doll, you aren't in a position to make demands" Jake whispered lowly and pushed Carly down so her back was on the cold floor.

"Get off me Jake" Carly screamed and Jake laughed. "Your mine now Carly. I'll do anything I want to you" Jake sneered and Carly whimpered, trying to shuffle back. "Please Jake haven't you done enough what did I ever do to you" Carly asked, her tone fragile and Jake laughed.

"Oh I've always wanted you Carly. Oscar kept me away. And when he died, you blamed it on me. I thought you would come around, but oh dear you ended up marrying Daniel" Jake spat with hatred in his voice.

"Wh- Why do you hate Daniel?" Carly asked him and Jake laughed. "Oh I was waiting for this moment doll. I want to tell you, I did not kill Oscar" Jake said and Carly rolled her eyes. "Your lying, he died when he came to help you" Carly spat but exactly as she said it, she realized she never knew what actually happened that night.

"Exactly doll, you have no idea what went down that night. Let me tell you who actually killed Oscar" Jake said, crouching in front of Carly. "I got 2 words for you doll, Daniel Seavey" Jake smirked and Carly shook her head fast.

"Daniel would never. He's too kind to do that" Carly said and Jake laughed. "Oh doll, he lured you into his trap too. Do you have any idea what happened that night?" Jake asked and Carly looked up, and slowly shook her head.

"Oh doll. I wish you would have let me tell you earlier" Jake said, slowly brushing her hair behind her ear and Carly moved back. Jake sighed loudly and Carly knew him well enough to know he was faking it but she kept quiet.

"Let me tell you doll, and once I do, you'll beg me to take you, to make you my queen and I promise you, your the only one who can take that spot" Jake said and Carly rolled her eyes. "Lets fucking see" Carly spat and Jake smiled. "Everything began much before that night" Jake began and Carly listened properly to him.

"Much much before"


Welp the next chapter is the history thing.

Um I'm really excited and I swear I'm hoping its worth the wait. I might write all of them and double update tomorrow or not, still deciding. but I'm making it in parts of the usual 1k :)

I have an urge to rename all my chapters without the titles ugh

I know the betrayer hasn't been revealed yet but I swear the history thing is more important and he will be after the flashback :)

But I love you guys!💖


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