39.The Envelope

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Recap: "Again"


"Daniel?" Carly asked, her voice showing she was scared but Daniel tossed his phone to the ground and wrapped both his arms around Carly. "I promise" He whispered, and Carly hid her face in his neck, slowly breathing his musky scent.

Daniel slowly picked his wife up, placing her on the empty part of the desk. She looked at him as he slowly placed his head in her neck, hugging her and Carly felt full for the first time in her life.

A sense of completion dawned over her, and she breathed a sigh of relief, knowing she shouldn't trust Daniel so quickly but her heart not letting her do otherwise.

A knock on the door startled them, and Daniel pulled away, Carly hopping off the table and adjusting herself. "Yeah come in" Daniel called out and a guy with dyed flaming red hair walked in.

"I got a letter for a Mr and Mrs.Seavey?" The guy said and placed the envelope into Carly's outstretched hand. "Why didn't you leave it to the receptionist or something?" Daniel frowned and the guy shrugged. 

"I was told to hand it to you personally" The guy said, before walking out. "Hello?..Julia how did you let someone in without asking us or notifying us first?...What do you mean you weren't there?...Your forgiven this once, do not repeat it" Carly spoke, before hanging up.

"People annoy me a lot" Carly mumbled and Daniel shook his head with an amused smile, the smile dropping when Daniel opened the envelope. Carly frowned and walked to see the envelope but Daniel hid it.

"Daniel let me see" Carly said as Daniel pulled her into a hug and shook his head. "Daniel" Carly began but Daniel shook his head. "Carly I'm begging you no" Daniel whispered but Carly frowned and grabbed it from his hand, freezing at the pictures.

"Carly" Daniel whispered, hugging her tighter as the pictures included fell out of her hand and a tear fell from her eyes. "I'm disgusting" Carly whimpered and Daniel shook his head rapidly. "Your not love. Carly please look at me" Daniel said.

"Carly" Daniel said, his voice dying down as his blond wife raised her head, her eyes dripping saltwater. "Carly those pictures will always be pictures. Just imagine you wearing a bikini" Daniel consoled her as she lightly sobbed.

"They saw me in my bra and underwear Daniel. Imagine what he would have done if I hadn't run" Carly sobbed and Daniel felt his heart break at the thought. "They are never coming near you again. I'm not letting it happen" Daniel said, kissing her head as Carly gripped his coat hard.

Daniel caught sight of writing on the back of the  pictures but he ignored it. He had far more important things to handle right now. He consoled his wife, rubbing her back, whispering soothing words into her ear.

Whoever was behind this, would pay.

(A week later, pre-thanksgiving dinner)

Carly had been dressing more covered lately, and Daniel would be lying if he said he wasn't concerned. Sure, it kept the other guys from staring at the girl he was in love with, but she wouldn't wear only Daniel's shirt when they went to sleep, instead pulling on his sweatpants too.

She wasn't loud anymore, and he heard her mumbling stuff to herself sometimes, many involving a Katie, which he never understood. Currently, the couple were getting ready for the pre-thanksgiving party at Eben's place.

Carly walked out of the closet after 15 minutes, fiddling with the ends of her blouse and Daniel's eyes scanned her, not in a creepy way but adoring way, resisting the urge to lick his lips. 

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