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Y/N's POV.

When I woke up this morning for my shift I realized something. If you want to avoid hangover, keep drinking. The party was fun as hell, Avery was drunk off his ass and so was I. As soon as I got there I made sure to keep the drinks coming.

Alex had women coming from left and right over to us and I was complaining one bit. Jo was there and for some odd reason she was all over me, I mean I didn't stop her.

But now I'm flat ass tired after waking up at 4 am, doing my workout and coming in.

"I have ortho today. Sadly." I complained as I walked down the wall with my hands in my scrubs.

"Damn really? I got stuck with pediatrics." One of my friends Colins said.

My head turned quick. "Hey you wanna trade with me?" I asked turning around to walk backwards. I don't know, I just do weird shit.

"Grey turn around and walk right. This is not a playground!" Torres said making me roll my eyes.

"Man, always ruining my fun."

Before I could continue my way down the hall, Dr. Torres called me back. "Hey, don't I have you on my service today?"

"Uhh-" I paused rubbing my hand on the back of my neck. "Gotta run." I tried moving passed her, but of course she stopped me.

"Nope. Come on, you're not getting out of this that easy."

I groaned and stomped like a child who was just told no.

As we walked down to the lab I caught a glimpse of the only woman in this damn place who won't give me the time of day.

"What's up babe." I smiled nodding at Dr. Robbins.

She stopped talking to one of the nurses and side eyes me. "Grey, what have I told you?"

"I dunno, maybe you need to remind me." I said raising my eyebrows up and down quickly.

Dr. Robbins rolled her eyes and I felt Torres grab the back of my white coat.

"Sorry about this babe, she just can't seem to get anything through that tiny brain of hers."

I snatched away from her and shook my head while she continued to push my forward.

"You know Dr. T, I'm starting to think you want me all to yourself." I mumbled with a smirk on my face as I stared her down.

She laughed and shook her head. "Yeah, only in your wildest dreams." I felt her pat my lower stomach and I grabbed her hand.

"Mmmhm yeah, sure you don't, you like to play hard to get. Just like Dr. Robbins, and that's ok because big daddy always wins in the end." I smirked.

"Uh no, I-I am serious Grey!" She called out but I just continued walking.

I turned to send her a wink. "Yeah, yeah- no need to convince me babe."

She most definitely wanted me, and I wasn't surprised at all. I mean why else would she always be so pissy when I try and make my moves on Dr. Robbins. Unless she wanted Dr. Robbins, which would be hot too.

I know they used to have a thing, so I'd be down for anything that involves the two of them. I smiled to myself at just the thought.

"What are you nodding and grinning about?"

Chief Bailey stood there watching me like a hawk. "Uhh nothin' just loving everything about orthopedics." I said with a grin.

"Mmmhm. Grey, I hope you know that just because you give me that smile and look at me with those-those eyes. Doesn't mean that I'll fall for whatever you say. I'm not like these air headed females around here. I know you're up to no good." She said with her eyes glaring straight up into my own.

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