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Y/N's POV.

"Oh fucking finally." I sighed deeply as I stripped down to my sports bra and boxers briefs. Now I could finally lay down on the not so comfortable bed and rest.

My eyes felt like deflated airbags. I'm currently on call and so far I've done a 32 hour shift.

"Occupied!" My voice came out raspy and low.

My body was so damn tired. I just needed to close my eyes for a fucking minute. As I closed my eyes and started to doze off, the person who knocked on the door opened it and walked in.

"Hey I said this one's occupied you shit face."

"Wow, is that the thanks I get for coming through like you asked?" My eyes immediately popped open at the sound of the soft voice.

"Wow, is that the thanks I get for coming through like you asked?" My eyes immediately popped open at the sound of the soft voice

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"Ginger?" I was super shocked to see her standing in front of me right now. Not only because I have a restraining order on her psycho ass; but because she doesn't even work in this hospital. She has her own practice as a pediatrician, so why the fuck was she here?

"Uh- Ging- I mean Dr. Simpson. What are you doing here?"

She shrugged and smirked at me as she locked the door behind her. "Aww hi baby, I've been looking all over the place for you. Where have you been hiding?"

"Are you fucking serious right now?"

"Yes, I've missed you so much."

You see. We fucked around a lot, and I admit it was amazing. She was one of the only women I've ever been that close to. I was crazy about her, I can't lie. But then she played my ass and I didn't even care. Not until I realized she was a complete nut case and a damn stocker who wasn't gonna leave me alone. Then I had to take it the legal way.

This was before I even started working here. But of course she found where I was and followed me.

So when Meredith found out about her, she was the one who really pushed me to do it. So if she knew that she was here right now, boy she'd be heated.

"Oh come on Y/N, your sister isn't around. You don't have to pretend anymore, I know that you miss me just as much." Ginger whispered softly as she got closer and closer to my ear while her hand moved further down the front of my boxers.

For some reason no matter how crazy she was I could never resist her. I mean come on, look at her! Plus I have my needs.

I bit down on my bottom lip and shook my head. "Fuck me man."

I knew I was about to lose it and make the same dammed mistake I've made in the past.

She smiled and slowly walked up to me wrapping her arms around my neck as she plopped down on my lap. "Does that mean I can fuck you now baby?"

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