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"I'm sorry, should I say Brad." I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

He looked at me and sighed. "Y/N, sweetheart.. I've been needing to talk to you."

I stared at him like he'd lost his damn mind. I knew for sure he did once he took the empty seat that had once held April.

Why? Was all I could think. He's never needed to speak to me about anything before, now all of a sudden. After all this time, he wants to talk to me. Sounds like a bunch of bullshit if you ask me.

I grew up in a single parent home. It was always just me and my dad. Until he got re married when I was about 10. After that- shit changed drastically. He never had time for little old me anymore. I was always the cause of their problems, and he would proudly let me know that.

"Is that yours?"

Shaking myself out of my deep thoughts, I glared over at him. "What?"

He nodded his head towards the table. "I know I'm old, but I also I know what a sonogram picture looks like."

That's when I noticed his stare was on the pictures April had thrown at me.

I picked them up from the table and put them in my jacket pocket

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I picked them up from the table and put them in my jacket pocket. "What do you want, and why are you even here?"

I haven't seen this man in I don't know how long. We lost contact after he threw me out if the house when I was 16. After that whole thing with my ex Trinity; that situation made shit so bad for me. Before college, we had a bunch of scares.

My dad was pissed, especially after he found out I got her pregnant.  He acted as if he wanted nothing to do with me, said I was ruining my life and future. Even after she lost it, we never spoke again.

He sat up, leaning in closer. I for one hadn't moved, I kept my arms folded as I leaned back in my chair.

"How've you been?"

I frowned and shrugged. "I've been just great. Now why the fuck do you care?"

"I care because you're my child."

I chuckled. "Oh yeah, you could've fooled me. I haven't heard from you since before I graduated from high school. So why the hell would you need to say two words to me Brad?"

After a few seconds of silence he didn't speak so I decided to say something.

"Alright look, I don't have all damn day. So either say what you need to, or I'm about to get up and walk the hell out."

"You're a doctor, right?"

I just sat there with a blank look on my face. He knows the answer to that question already.

He shook his head before placing his hands over his face. "Shit. Of course you are-I've seen you all over the papers. You- your brother..I'm here for a reason Y/N."

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