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FLASHBACK: 22 years old

"So what now?"

I groaned laying back with my arms across my face. "I-I don't know. I mean we're both still young and in school."

These last few months have been hell. I lost my mom and I found out I was adopted. So hearing this news from her only made things worse.

But Trinity was my now girlfriend, and we'd been together for almost 2 years. I'm not saying I should have expected this, but I'm not too surprised. Hell, we've barely used protection. I just rely on my pull out game.

... guess that failed.

Trinity looked away from me after a minute and got up from the bed. I watched as she grabbed her things and walked towards the door.

"I get it Y/N. You don't want it, just say that."

"What? That's not what I'm saying at all, but-

Shaking her head she raised her hand up to my face. "Just don't- ok. I don't have time for this shit. I'll see you around I guess."

"T, come on man. You know I didn't mean it that way. Shit, of course I'm scared. But I'm not about to turn my back on my responsibility."

She gave me this look. I don't know if it's because she was thinking over what I said. Or if she flat out didn't believe me.

I took a deep breath and went to further explain. "You know what I've been through this year. I'm trying to push past it and do better. But you have to admit this is a lot to take in."

I can't lie, I haven't had the best reputation through college. But I've been through a lot in my life, with my family and shit. So one thing I would never do is abandon my kid. I know how that feels and I couldn't live with myself knowing I had a child out there and they didn't know I existed.

No matter how ready I am.

She cleared her throat and slowly began to back away from me. "I'll see you later Y/N."


So, long story short, she ended up getting rid of the baby. Said she just didn't feel either of us were prepared to be parents. That was the last time I saw or heard anything from her.

Of course I wasn't ready, but damn. She took away any day I had, and I felt a lot of resentment towards her.

Ever since then, I just feel like I can't trust anyone. Especially when it comes to females. I'm sure you can tell by now that I'm still not over what happened.

"So if we have to, we'll just cut here and-

"But wouldn't that compromise everything that we would have worked for? Like all the months of research and trying to take this route, would have been for nothing."

"Y/N, what do you think?"

I shook myself from my deep thoughts seeing all eyes on me.

Damn. I completely forgot I was sitting in this meeting. Not only was I not paying attention, but I'm sure everyone had noticed by now.


Derek sighed, placing his hand over his face. "Grey, you've been sitting here this entire time and you're telling me you heard nothing?"

Raising my eyebrows I glanced around the room at Alex, Andrea, and Tania.

Still with the same lost look on my face I shrugged. "I was thinking. My bad."

"Man, what's got you so damn distracted?" He asked and I shook my head. I knew better than to tell him anything. He's married to my sister and what he knows she AUTOMATICALLY knows.

Tania shook her head as she walked around the table with some files in her hand. "You'll never change Grey."

"Damn, what I do?" I said while raising my hands up in defense.

Andrea and Tania both walked out passing me without a second glance.

As the girls left, it was just Derek and Alex.

They looked at each other before back to me. I knew that were about to question the hell out of me.

"Alright Y/N, that was a cute performance you put up, but now we want the truth my man." Alex said as he sat down right beside me.

His arm over my shoulder as he pulled me to him.

Derek nodded in agreement. "Alex is right, we know something is up."

I glanced back and forth between them, contemplating if I should say or not. When I realized they weren't gonna leave me the hell alone, I sighed deeply before just saying it.

"April, she uh- just told me she's pregnant."

With a frown Alex shrugged. "The fuck does that have to do with you?"

He earned a smack on the back of his head and I let out a chuckle.

"You idiot. She obviously is the parent of this baby." Derek said while looking at me.

I nodded slowly not even wanting to admit it. But I couldn't lie.

"Oh shit." Alex mumbled and I shrugged.

"What did you say after she told you?"

"Nothing, I just walked away from her as if I didn't hear what she had said."

I could feel Derek glaring into the side of my face as I kept my eyes on my shoes.

"Fuck dude, this is serious. But hey, look at it this way- at least you got some before you die."

"Man fuck you!" I groaned pushing him off of me. "You play too much dumbass."

Alex stood up still laughing. "Sorry bro, but come on. You had to know this would happen. The girl is like- in love with you. She probably trapped your ass on purpose."

"So, what about Arizona? Derek asked still glaring at me.

I shrugged not even knowing how to answer that. Fuck. I didn't even think about her.

"Man screw that, think about how Meredith and Maggie are gonna kill you!"

Giving him a stale face I nodded. "Thank you Alex, just what I want to hear. You have no advice for me at all?"

He shrugged and nodded. "Sure I do. Strap up next time kid."

I wanted to punch this dude in the fucking face right now, I swear!

"Hey, Alex may be an idiot at times but I have to agree with him. You screwed up this time Y/N, can't bullshit or sweet talk your way out of it."

I let my head fall down on the table. "Ughh I know. Damnit!"

Lifting my head up I looked at Derek. "Aye man, promise me you won't tell Meredith. I need to figure this shit out first."

"What's there to figure out?"

"Just promise me man! Do me this one solid, please!" I was literally begging right now, because I know how he is and I know that there a chance Meredith and Maggie will know before I even leave work today.

Rolling his eyes he huffed. "Alright, fine. It's your business after all. But don't take forever on this Y/N, you gotta be an adult. For real this time."

I nodded. "Yeah.. I know."


Hope you all enjoyed!

Plsss let me know what you think. If you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to dm me!

Sorry for any mistakes.

Thanks for reading/voting🥲

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