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•Your POV•

I've been reading through this pregnancy book and it's exhausting. I'm 4 months pregnant. I'm big but not huge. First month was sickness, second month I actually felt pretty great, third month had really bad mood swings, this month my fourth month I've just been tired.

This is Justin and I's first child.. He doesn't know how to deal with all this so when I'm in a bad mood he'll just go over to Ryan's house.. Pretty shitty right? Not staying with your pregnant girlfriend. It's alright though. It gives me a little bit of space to breathe. Yeah I miss him a lot when he leaves but he always comes back before 6 and comforts me. Pattie comes over when he leaves and tells me how he doesn't mean any harm when he leaves he's just a little scared and I understand, I'm scared too.

The other day the doctors called me and told me the sex of the baby. They called me because yesterday I went but they couldn't tell because my baby's back was toward us so we couldn't tell. So they just did some kind of scan and I left. I'm having a girl. 💖

Today Justin and I our leaving to take our pregnancy pictures. I haven't told him that we're having a girl because I wanted to surprise him.

Y/n: "Justin honey? Are you ready?"

Justin: "yeah babe. I'm coming" he says as he's coming down the stairs.

We hopped in the car and drove to the destination where we are going to have our pictures done. We arrived after 15 minutes.

Justin didn't know how this photoshoot was going to go. The photographer and I put a blind fold over Justin's eyes and grabbed his hands and started painting them pink. Soon we were finished and I turned around I had my back to his chest. I grabbed his hands and put them in the shape of a heart so he couldn't see the color of the paint. I took the blind fold off and I put my hands over his also shaped like a heart. The photographer took a couple of pictures like that.

The next step was to reveal the color of the paint. I moved my hands and Justin moved his. He was speechless. He looked at me with tears in his eyes. He hugged me and said "I love you" "I love you too" I said back. Then the photographer took photos of that. Then we took a few more different shots and finally made our way home.

Justin: "I can't believe we're having a girl" he says smiling big.

Y/n: "I known" I smile back.

Justin: "I'm sorry for leaving every time you had mood swings I just didn't know how to deal with it and I didn't wanna say anything that I would regret-"

Y/n: "baby it's okay. It really is. I understand" I say as I rub up and down his face.

Justin: "I promise to be here all the time with my queen and my little princess from now on" he says as he pecks my lip.

Y/n: "Okay" I say as a smile.


My loves 💖💖💖💖💖💖😝😝😝😝

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