IMAGINE: #38(Mistake)PART 2

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* 7 months later

•Your POV•

I've been at my grandmas in New York for 7 months now, and today's the day I've decided to go back home.. I'm waiting at the airport now!

Y/n: Bye grandma, thanks for everything!

Grandma: No problem sweetie, have a great flight. Call me. Come back whenever you want.

Y/n: Alright. Love you!

I got on the plane and soon I was on my way back home...


6hrs later I was finally home I laid on my couch and caressed the pillow..

I missed home.

I'm not going back to school anytime soon, I'm 7 months.. 2 months till a baby comes out of my Vag.....

I miss everyone so so much, Taylor, Mackenzie, and... Justin!!

I decided to call Mackenzie

(Phone Call)


Y/N: Hey mack

Mack: what the hell? I've missed you so freaking much.. Are you back?
how are you?

Y/n: Ive missed you too. And I am back..


Y/n: Okay, but don't tell Justin or taylor I'm here

Mack: OKAY

-----25 mins later

Doorbell rings.


Mack: Y/N (hugs super tight)

Y/n: Owe, owe. Watch out big tummy here

Mack: OMG you're so big

Y/n: yeah, yeah, I know...

Mack: How far along are you? (Rubs your tummy)

Y/n: 7 months..

Mack: wow, boy or girl?

Y/n: Girl..


Y/n: So how's taylor and Justin?

Mack: Justin asks me have I talked to you every time he gets.. But he's dating some chick named Chloe now.. Taylor he's missed school for a couple of weeks but one day he came back and looked a mess, he's a wreck without you! Justin wanted to fight taylor when he found out he had got you pregnant..

Y/n: Oh wow..

Mack: yeah..

Y/n: well what do you think I should do?

Mack: honestly, they both really love you... Who do you love?

Y/n: I love both of them....

Mack: y/n you can't love both of them... You can't marry both of them....


Mack: Maybe you should talk to both of them separately ..

Y/n: I don't know...

Mack: Well think on it... I have to go mom said I'm cooking dinner tonight

Y/n: alright, well pls don't tell Justin or taylor I'm here

Justin Bieber Imagines!(:Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat