IMAGINE: #3(All That Matters)

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Justin and I have been dating for a year now.. But I still wonder why he chose Me?.. Out of all the girls he can get... Justin has been on tour for 3 months he should be coming home soon.. But I was on Instagram just scrolling and scrolling down my newsfeed until i see a picture that justin posted.. It was a pic of him and Selena together and the caption said "#HeartBreaker" I got pretty upset because I know i have Nooo competition against her .. She was so pretty ..I looked at the comments and all i seen was

"Awee y'all are so cute<3 #JelenaForever"


"Cutest couple ever"

"Fav couple of all time"

"She's so pretty<3 I love #Jelena"

"I hope y'all are back together"

"What happened to Y/N y'all broke up? Wow . You move on fast! But cute #Jelena"

I couldn't read anymore this is the time I felt the most insecure .. I shutdown my Instagram app , and just ran to the bathroom .. And stopped in front of the mirror I just stared at myself .. Moved my hair to the side .. I couldn't cope with the pain any longer , missing him, me being insecure all the time.. Nobody was her to stop me, not even justin ..

I opened the draw at the bottom of the cabinet and pulled out a fresh razor.. I positioned my self on the cold tiles and brought my knees to my chest .. my vision from the salty tears that cascaded down to my chin.. I held the cold piece of metal to my tender, already wounded wrist. I let the blade rest of the surface of my wrist before slowly pulling it against my wrist.. The blade was so sharp I yelped in pain. As soon as the agony had eased it began to feel pleasant and comforting. Red liquid began dripping down onto the white tiles as I held the blade to my wrist pressing a bit deeper into my fragile skin.

Justin: "Y/N baby , I'm home"

He asked looking around in the kitchen didn't see you so he went upstairs to the bedroom and he heard you sniff so he tried to walk to the bathroom but it was locked ..

Justin: "Baby are you in here , come give me a hug. I missed you"

You don't answer

Justin: "baby whats wrong, open the door"

You didn't open the door , so justin found one of your bobby pins on the tv stand so he used that to unlock the door .. But before he came in

I stood up, and dropped the razor

In the sink, and I looked at the floor , and the tiles were covered with blood..

Y/N: "Just go away justin.." I retorted wishing he would go away, I promised him that I wouldn't cut again I can't have him witness me breaking that promise.., next thing I know I saw the knob being turned and Justin barging in the bathroom looking at me, then the floor..

Justin: "babe what are you doing"

Y/N: "Nothing" puts her arm behind her back ..

Justin: come on Y/N I'm not that stupid... Your crying , and there is blood all over the floor *Thinks* Y/N let me see your hands.

You shook your head backing up until you hit the wall. Just great (note to sarcasm)

Y/N: "Just go away" I pleaded with guilt and sorrow.

Justin: (justin grabbed my arm gently and looked at it) "Why? Why would you do this baby girl you promised me" (Justin cried , he removed his white shirt from his body and wrapped it around my fresh wound..)

You dropped your head low in shame, & justin brought my head back up with his thumb and index finger to meet his gaze

Justin: "careful there princess, your crown almost fell, but no worries, I caught it."

You smiled a little ..

Justin: "Are you gonna tell me why you're doing this to your beautiful self"

Y/N: "I just don't feel good enough for you .. Your fans don't like me... I seen the picture you posted with selena and you deserve someone like her.. And all your fans like her .. And I know you tell me all the time you love me .. & that I'm beautiful .. And I try so hard to believe it .. But I just can't.."

Justin: "Baby.. You're more than good enough for me .. Actually you're to good for me .. And I love my beliebers but when I'm with you I don't really care what they say.. Cuz I love you for you. And selena? Noo were just friends , she knows I'm in love with you .. So she backs off .. I don't want no one like her . I want you and only you . I need you to trust me .. You're all that matters to me, yeah , yeah *starts singing* whats a kind bed with a queen? There ain't "I" team you make me complete .. *stops sining* And you need to believe that you're beautiful and I love you because it's all true. There's never a time I don't get lost in your big brown eyes, I couldn't live with myself knowing that I've lost you. I love you Y/N .. Just promise me you'll never harm yourself again."

Y/N: "I love you too justin. I promise I won't do it again. I-I'm Sorry"

Justin embraced me into a warm big hug, ..

Justin: "It's alright love, it's not your fault." (Justin pulled away from our hug and uncovered my wound and brought it up to his lips before gently kissing it.)

"I love you" justin and I said unison. As much as I doubted myself and was so insecure .. Justin was the only person who made me feel like I belonged to any category known to man. He was my hope, my passion, my love, and nevertheless my inspiration💜

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