IMAGINE: #59(Father of two?)

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Zoey: "so what's the news girlie?" My bff asks as she plops on my bed

Y/n: "ok... So I took three pregnancy test and they all came out positive... I'm pregnant..."

Zoey: "with Justin's baby?"

Y/n: "of course, who else?"

Zoey: "OMG.. When did you guys "do it?" You never told me"

Y/n: "like 6 weeks ago.."

Zoey: "whaaaaaaaaaat"

Y/n: "I know but I just found out 4 days ago don't tell Justin.."

Zoey: "speaking of him why isn't he here?"

Y/n: "idk, I haven't talked to him since we got out for spring break"

Zoey: "you guys didn't hang out at all?"

Y/n: "nope"

Zoey: "wow. Well we start school again tomorrow"

Y/n: "I guess so"

~~ Next day - school ~~

Y/n: "Justin, JUSTIN. Hey" I yell trying to get his attention

Justin: "hey baby" he says as he picks me up

Y/n: "I missed you"

Justin: "I missed you more"

Katelyn: "hey Justin.. I got my results back and it came out positive.. I'm pregnant"

Justin: "what?"

Y/n: "woah woah. What? What's going on?"

Justin: "nothing baby.. We need to go?"

Katelyn: "why go Justin? You can't run. Just tell her"

Y/n: "tell me what?"

Justin: "nothing lets go-"

Katelyn: "Justin and I had sex in his dad's Mercedes about 5 weeks ago.. And now I'm pregnant"

Y/n: "what?"

Katelyn: "yeah.."

Y/n: "Justin? How could you?" I say as I run away...

Justin: "y/n baby wait..."

Y/n: "no Justin leave me alone" I say as I get in my car leaving


Mom: "honey, Justin keeps calling.. Why aren't you answering him?"

Y/n: "it's nothing mom... I'll handle it" I say as I pick up the phone and my mom leaves


Y/n: "stop calling you sicko"

Justin: "baby. All I wanna do is talk.. I'm outside please come talk to me"


Y/n: "what?"

Justin: "I'm so so so sorry you had to find out this way.. I don't even remember what happened that night I barely know who she is-"

Y/n: "and is that supposed to make the whole situation better Justin? Huh?"

Justin: "no y/n... I love you so much so so much and I don't wanna lose you"

Y/n: "well too bad" I say as I get up and walk back inside


Mom: "is everything alright?"

Y/n: "fine mom"

Mom: "honey.. Is there something you want to tell me?"

Y/n: "No"

Mom: "then what is this?" She says as she holds up my pregnancy test

Y/n: "mom I can explain"

Mom: "why didn't you just tell me sweetie"

Y/n: "I'm sorry I got scared."

Mom: "is this why you and Justin are fighting?"

Y/n: "no mom.. Justin doesn't know"

Mom: "and why doesn't he know"

Y/n: "mom he cheated on me... And she's pregnant too"

Mom: "oh my"

Y/n: "yeah" I say as I start to cry again


Mom: "how was school?"

Y/n: "fine mom"

Mom: "did you tell Justin?"

Y/n: "no he wasn't there"

Mom: "oh.. Well guess you'll tell him tonight at dinner.. We're going over to his house"

Y/n: "what? No"

Mom: "yes"


Pattie: "hi, come on in"

Jeremy: "so what's up.. Haven't seen you over here in a while y/n"

Y/n: "yeah sorry"

Justin: "y/n.. Why have you been ignoring my calls and me in school"

Y/n: "Justin not now"

Pattie: "what's going on between you two?"

Mom: "y/n's pregnant"

Pattie: "what?"

Justin: "what?"

Y/n: "yes Justin.. I'm pregnant.. I wanted to tell you, matter of fact I was going to tell you the first day we got back from spring break but as soon as katelyn came up and said she was pregnant and that meant you cheated.. I just couldn't tell you anymore"

Jeremy: "woah? Hold up.. You got two girls pregnant?"

Pattie: "is this true"

Justin: "yes" he says looking down

(I couldn't take it I got up and walked out the house with Justin following behind..)

Justin: "y/n wait"

Y/n: "what?"

Justin: "y/n why didn't you tell me anyways? I fucking love you not katelyn that was a mistake... I don't care what you or my family says I'm going to be here for you and our baby"

Y/n: "yeah?.. Did you say the same thing to katelyn?" I say as I walk away and get in the car

A little short

I watched this movie called double daddy on lifetime that made me wanna do a story like this.. changed it up here and there but same plot 😎


Part 2??

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