IMAGINE:#56(Worth It)

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•Your POV•

I'm 8 months pregnant, I don't work anymore I stay at home all day while Justin works, sometimes he'll even work night shifts... So I do everything in the house since Justin is barely here even though I shouldn't..

I walk into my child's room Justin and I want the sex to be a surprise.. I flip the switch to turn the light on but it wouldn't come on

"Oh great" I thought to myself..

I guess the light blew.. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a chair and drug it into the baby's room. I walked back into the kitchen and grabbed a spare light bulb and walked back to the baby's room.

I stood on the chair carefully twisting the old lightbulb off and accidentally dropped it 1 down 1 to go, I grab the new lightbulb out of the baby's crib and twisted it in place. I sighed in relief that I did everything so carefully other than dropping that lightbulb. I got off the chair and didn't realize the glass was on the floor I stepped on a piece and started hopping on one foot I tried to sit down on the chair but I fell instead screaming.

I started to cry worrying about the baby, I felt fine but I fell kind of hard. I took the glass out of my foot and limped to the living room. My neighbor soon busted through the door asking if I was okay. I nodded but she insisted that she still take me to the hospital.


Doctor: "everything seems to be fine miss y/n, the baby is doing good. But you did fall pretty hard and almost damaged the amniotic egg. So for now on I need you to be on bed rest for the rest of your pregnancy and if you don't some serious things could happen"

Y/n: "Okay doc" I say as he walks away

Justin: "omg baby I got here as soon as I could what happened?" He says kissing my hand

Y/n: "I fell" I say looking down

Justin: "what did the doctor say?"

Y/n: "The baby is fine but I need to stay in bed rest for the of the pregnant or else something bad could happen"

Justin: "Well thank god you and the baby are fine"


Justin: "Home sweet home" he hugs me

Y/n: "Yeahh" I sigh as I sit down

Justin: "what's the matter baby?"

Y/n: "Will you promise me something?"

Justin: "of course. Anything babe"

Y/n: "if something happens make sure your save the baby"

Justin: "what are you talking about?"

Y/n: "just in case something does happen I want you to take care of the baby Justin"

Justin: "where is this coming from? Stop talking like this"

Y/n: "talking like what? I'm just being honest"

Justin: "you're being ridiculous"

Y/n: "if something was to happen with either me or the baby I would want it to be me. There is no way in hell I could live with myself if our baby died because of something so stupid that I did. I'd rather for it be me then her"

Justin: "Her?"

Y/n: "yes Justin... Her, it's a girl"

Justin: "you said we weren't gonna find out until you had the baby? YOU WENT BEHIND MY BACK"

Justin Bieber Imagines!(:Where stories live. Discover now