IMAGINE: #20(Roller Coaster)

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Lately Justin has been blowing you off to go hang with his friends.

I know he has to have guy time, but all the time? No.

Justin walks downstairs

Justin: Hey babe, I'll be back soon

Y/n: Wait, where are you going?

Justin: To the club with Za, & Khalil

Y/n: Noo baby, stay home with me..

Justin: baby, I'm always with you. I just wanna have some guy time

Y/n: are you serious? Justin you go out with the guys every night. I don't even remember the last time we've had a conversation that lasted longer than 2 minutes. We haven't talked in forever, I feel so distant from you.

Justin: Baby, that's not true. I would love to talk to you, but I really have to go.

Y/n: I didn't want it to come to this because I know it's bitchy but, it's either me or your friends Justin.

Justin: oh my goodness, are you serious right now y/n? You are so damn controlling.

After he said that he walked out the door and got to his car. And I followed right behind him!

Y/n: So this is it I guess? Its over?

Justin: Why would it be?

Y/n: Justin you don't care about me, nor this relationship. You would rather go party in clubs with your friends.

Justin: baby, listen to me. I would choose you over partying any day. I'm sorry if I felt like I've been ignoring you and not spending enough time with you. You know I love you with all my heart, and I don't want this relationship to be over. I care too much. I just like to hang out with my boys and you know that. Maybe next time you can come with us, so I won't leave you at home all by yourself.

Y/n: Fine, & I love you too.

Justin: Babe, promise me one thing

Y/n: and whats that?

Justin: No fights no more?

Y/n: Promise!

After that Justin texted Za and Khalil and told them that he couldn't make it anymore, just to spend more time with you💜

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