IMAGINE: #4(Recovery)

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Justin & I decided to do some shopping for our new home that we just bought a week ago .. We were currently at "Luxury Bedding Decorating" looking for bed sheets and covers for our king size bed . We've been out shopping for the entire day , my feet were killing me but we had to find some new bed sheets and cover to actually go with the bed.

Justin: See anything you like? (Says with a tired facial expression)

Y/N: Not really, nothing here really catches my eye .

Justin: Babe can you just pick something so we can go? Or we can come back tomorrow?

Y/N: Maybe if you didn't stand there looking at me and help we could get done quicker.

Justin starts looking around.

Justin: Babe how about this one? (A lavender pure satin duvet cover)

I shake my head in disagreement.

Justin: whats wrong with it? I think It looks fine. Can we just hurry up and pick something? I don't have all day Y/N I wanna go to sleep we've been shopping all damn day .

Y/N: I just don't like the fabric jay, I want to purchase something worth paying for. Now I'd really appreciate it if you did not rush me.

Justin: Can we not have this conversation here? Let's just grab something and by all means if you don't like it I'll gladly return it.

Y/N: I'm not returning one just to get another stupid sheet, can we please just search for a decent one and be over with this.?

Justin: damn it Y/N , we've been shopping all day long. I'm burned out .. I just wanna get some sleep. So just pick something so we can hit the road.

Y/N: Jay I understand that your are exhausted. But keep in mind that you aren't the only one, If only you would just cooperate and help me pick out something like a civilized individual we would be out of here in no time.

Justin: You know what.. I don't have time for this, just pick out something random and pay for it. I'm not in the mood for another heated dispute.

I reluctantly grabbed the bed sheet he had picked out and angrily marched to the cashier.

Cashier: Did you find everything alright?

Y/N: Just fine. (Fake smiles)

Cashier: And your total comes to 126.34

You hand your credit card to the cashier .

Cashier: Thanks for shopping at luxury bedding decorating , come again.

Justin and I silently made our way to his vehicle without speaking to each other. We both got in the car fastened our seatbelt , & Justin put the keys in the ignition and drove off. I decided to turn on the radio to avoid the awkward silence between us. I began scanning through stations and I stopped on 105.3 & just my luck "Recovery" by none other than Justin bieber came on.

"First I'll acknowledge

Our trust has been broken

A successful recovery

I pray for us at night

Bless me with a second chance

Never thought I'd see your face again Learned a lot through trial and error try to make it right, make it right"

Justin: I'm sorry (he whispers over the music)

Y/N: Whatever, I don't even care anymore. I just wanna go home!

Justin: Y/N I'm trying to apologize to you and you don't take any consideration.. I don't even know why I bother..

Y/N: I'm sorry I'm not in the mood to listen to your same old bullshitting apologies Justin .

Justin: Y/N what the fuck is your problem? Is there a reason why you always strive to have an argument with me.. Remind me never to apologize to you again!

Y/N: Justin you tend to get mad over silly shit, so if anyone has a problem it's obviously you. And don't mind the apologies, really. Because their meaningless anyways.

Justin pulls over to a curb so we wouldn't get into a crash yelling at each other.

Justin: Why do you always have to be a complete bitch? All you do is complain at me .. You know what I can't deal with this anymore .. I'm done with you .

Y/N: (on the verge of tears and gets out the car and slams door) I guess I'm done here too.

Justin: Y/N baby get back in the car, it's freezing out here.

I abundantly shake my head disagreeing with what he told me to do. I was not going to get back in the car with him that easy after he just called me a bitch.

I began to pick up my pace, when I heard footsteps running behind me, I felt two warm hands wrap around my waist spinning me around to see Justin.

Justin: Y/N listen to me, I didn't mean what I said in the car.. I was just furious because you wouldn't let me apologize for what I did to you in the store.. I love you truly, & you know that!

Y/N: I understand Jay, but you still called me a bitch ..

Justin: Babe I swear to you I didn't mean it when I'm mad I can't control what i do or what words come out my mouth. I can't have you mad at me princess. You know damn well I didn't mean even a portion of the bullshit that had left my mouth. I love you Y/N, please come back to our house with me.

I nodded my head in approval.

Justin: I love you so much princess, I'm sorry! (Kisses you)

Y/N: I love you too💕

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