IMAGINE:#60(Father of two?) Part 2

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~~ 4 months later ~~

Mom: "are you excited?"

Y/n: "I am" I say to my mom as we walk into the hospital to get an ultrasound

Justin: "hey"

Y/n: "what are you doing here?"

Mom: "he called me before and asked could he come.. I told him yes because he really really wanted to be here for you"

Y/n: "okay"

Mom: "alright I'll go wait in the parking lot"

Justin: "actually I wanted to take her home if that's fine with you"

Mom: "alright see you later" she says as she leaves

Doctor: "miss y/l/n"


The doctor puts the cold gel on my stomach as she rubs it around.

Doctor: "you see that? That's your baby"

Y/n: "oh wow"

Doctor: "do you wanna know what you're having?" She questions

Y/n: "yes"

Doctor: "a girl"

Y/n: "omg.. Are you serious? I'm having a girl"

Doctor: "yes ma'am"

Justin: "that's so great"

Doctor: "you guys wanna hear the heartbeat?"

Justin: "yes"

Y/n: "that sounds so weird"


Justin: "thanks for letting me come with"

Y/n: "thanks for coming" I say as I grab his hand

Justin: "I love you so much" he says as he leans in but then his phone rings from a text message

/Text message/

Katelyn - "Justin I need you can you come over"


Y/n: "is that katelyn?"

Justin: "yeah.. She needs me"

Y/n: "oh... Of course.. Just go" I say as I get out the car and slam the door

Justin: "y/n.."

Y/n: "just go Justin you have another baby mama in need.." I say as I walk in my house

•Justin's POV•

Katelyn: "will you stay the night"

Justin: "no katelyn, we're not together never will be"

Katelyn: "we're going to be a family soon though Justin... You, me, and our little boy"

Justin: "boy?"

Katelyn: "yes boy"

Justin: "oh wow. That's so cool"

Katelyn: "isn't it" she says as she hugs me

Justin: "I'm gonna go to the bathroom" he says as he leaves

When Justin left his phone dinged meaning he got a text it was from y/n so katelyn got up and grabbed his phone

//Text message//

Y/n: "how's everything going?"

Katelyn decides to text her back

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