IMAGINE: #43(It's Over) Part 2

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(This is part 2 to the imagine "It's over")


•Your POV•

I ran out to the parking lot and got in my car and drove home. I couldn't believe Justin thought I would had sex with Ronnie... I thought he trusted me..

I got home and ran in my room and just cried my heart out.. What he said to me kept playing in my head "I know why you didn't answer my texts.. Because you were too busy fucking Ronnie.. It's doesn't matter cuz I fucked Alexis"

Why does love have to be so complicated and why does it hurt so much? I got a text from my mom she said that the school called her and told her I wasn't in school and that I need to come back.

Oh great.

I got in my car and drove back to school I guess it was lunch time.. I waked in the cafeteria all eyes were on me.. I walked to the table where my friends were and put my head down.

Ashley: *rubs my back* hey girl it's okay!

Y/n: No it's not..

(Alexis then walked up to my table)

Alexis: whats the matter sweetheart?

Ashley: listen bitch we know what you did...

Alexis: Moue? I did nothing..

Y/n: Alexis why don't you leave me alone? You got what you wanted you fucked my boyfriend.. *runs out*

I couldn't take it anymore I just wanted to leave not the school, the world.. I slid down the lockers and just cried.. I heard footsteps walking up next to me and someone slid down the locker too.

Y/n: Whoever you are can you just leave me alone? *looks up* Justin please leave.

Justin: No babe.

Y/n: I'm not your babe

Justin: Yes you are.

Y/n: How could you possibly think I would cheat on you?

Justin: I got so upset that you weren't texting me back then Alexis asked what was wrong and she told me that you guys were probably doing it because you've had a crush on him for awhile and would love to do it with him..

Y/n: Who told her that?

Justin: she said Samantha did..

Y/n: Of course she did, because we aren't friends anymore so she goes spreading rumors about me.

Justin: *puts head down*

Y/n: you believed her?

Justin: I didn't know what to believe because you weren't answering any of my texts

Y/n: After I got my phone back I called you 5 times and you didn't pick up..

Justin: I was still upset.

Y/n: So you fucked Alexis to get over me that night...

Justin: Don't put it like that. I love you.

Y/n: no you don't. If you did you wouldn't have had sex with Alexis and you wouldn't have believed anything she said to you and you would have had faith in me.

Justin: baby-

Y/n: I'm not your baby Justin... I don't want anything to do with you anymore!

Justin: y/n I'm sorry, don't do this.

Y/n: I'm sorry too. Sorry I ever trusted you *goes to class*

•Justin's POV•

Y/n: I'm sorry too. Sorry I ever trusted you. *goes to class*

Justin Bieber Imagines!(:Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя