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March 13th, 2015
Y/n: "I can't do this anymore" I say while throwing my things together..

Justin: "baby, what are you talking about? Everything is going great between us" he say wiping his hands through his hair

Y/n: "you're just too famous for me.. I'm a nobody, I don't deserve you" I say as I open the door

Justin: "y/n" I yell as she shuts the door and drives off


1 year later
November 21, 2016

Justin's POV

Fredo: "Justin, you're ass at fifa"

Justin: "play me right now, bro"

Fredo: "you're on"

Soon as I went to sit down, the doorbell rang..

Justin: "I got it"

I opened the door to find no one, I looked down and saw a baby.. I picked the car seat up and brought it inside..

Fredo: "woah, justin..."

Justin: "I just opened it and there she was"

Fredo: "is she yours?"

Justin: "No.. I don't know"

Fredo: "here's a letter, aubree-"

Justin: "well, I don't know a aubree so she's not mine"

Fredo: "the baby's name is aubree, the mothers name is y/n..."

Justin: "what?"


Pattie: "this is crazy, Justin. How did you not know you got someone pregnant"

Justin: "I don't know Mom, she broke up with me and- OH MY she broke up with me because she was pregnant and didn't think I would want anything to do with her or the baby"

Pattie: "why would she just now bring the baby to you now then?"

Justin: "on the note she said she wanted her to have a better life... maybe something's wrong with y/n, maybe she has now home or no job.. I have to call her"

Pattie: "Call her. And there is no doubt this isn't your baby.. she looks just like you, my god"


Phone call:

Y/n: "hello"

Justin: "y/n? Is this you?"

Y/n: "yes Justin it's me.. I'm sorry for just dropping the baby off I just couldn't afford for her well being anymore and I'm just a terrible mom, I hate myself-"

Justin: "y/n, please calm down.. I'm not mad, I'm very shocked and surprised but not mad.. I miss you and I wanna take care of you and our baby"

Y/n: "you can take care of aubree, but not me Justin.."

Justin: "is this why you broke up with me? Because you found out you were pregnant and didn't think I wanted anything to do with you or the baby?"

Y/n: "you have a huge life, Justin. Me? I'm a nobody.. I don't deserve you"

Justin: "well, dammit y/n I deserve you and aubree. I want you over here in the next 20minutes" hangs up


Pattie: "what'd she say?"

Justin: "she's on her way"


Y/n: "Hi.. Justin"

Justin: "hey" is all I could say.. I stared at her and just pulled her in for a big hug

Y/n: "how has Aubree been since she's been here?"

Justin: "she's beautiful, just like you.. I wish I could have been there when she was born.."

Y/n: "i'm sorry" I say as I cover my face

Justin: "I missed you y/n"

Y/n: "I missed you too, Justin. "

Justin: "Can we start over? Me, you, and our little girl? Please. I wanna take care of the both of you.."

Y/n: "Justin, I just want you to be able to look after Aubree, since I barely can-"


Y/n: "Fine, Justin, fine." I say as Justin kissed me..

Justin: "we're gonna be a great family"

Aubree: "giggles"

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 22, 2016 ⏰

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