Chapter 25 : Ready, Get Set... Back

Start from the beginning

''Guys, don't worry; I got this! You're all overestimating Jungkook. Girls have always been a weakness of his. He got comfortable around Yu, but soon enough he'll remember that she's still a girl and ruin things himself, without any of our help.'' Taehuyng explained.

At that moment, Jungkook came out of his room, in sweatpants and a black hoodie, looking so nervous all color had left his face while the boys abruptly stopped whispering, making the mood even more awkward.

A couple of seconds later, Yu arrived in the kitchen and everybody nearly stopped breathing.

Taehyung had insisted that she couldn't run in a sweater and jeans so he picked out some sporty clothes for her.

She had never wore these really tight stretchy pants Tae called leggings and he matched the black bottoms with a grey thank top that showed her stomach.

The look felt a bit revealing but Tae had assured her that this was a standard running outfit.

Even Tae was a bit shocked at how well the outfit suited her, her figure was always hidden behind the oversized sweaters she so loved and, for the first time, it became apparent that she had the body of a woman.

Her hair was tied up in a messy ponytail that revealed her neck and shoulders, faint abs could be guessed under the skin of her stomach and the leggings... well the leggings did what leggings do and left little to the imagination.

She didn't understand why everyone was so silent and the mood felt so dense.

''Are we going?'' Yu asked Jungkook, the weight of all the guy's eyes on her were making her uncomfortable and she was eager to leave the house.

''L-les, yet's go... I mean... Yes, let's go...'' He staggered.

Jungkook's complexion had gone from paper white to tomato red and he was looking at his feet, physically unable to lift his head up.

Yu walked out and Jungkook followed her, but barely missed the doorway and ended up walking into the wall.

''You okay?'' Yu asked when she heard the bang.

Jungkook looked at his shoes and nodded as a reply, which left a confused expression on Yu's face.

''He's not talking because he's saving his breath for the run.'' Jimin lied with a smile.

Tae went over the younger man's shoulder and whispered in his ear. Jungkook's expression turned to fear and he started a mad dash straight towards the woods.

''What's going on?'' Yu wondered as he passed her at full speed.

''I think he wants to race you.'' Tae said.

''Ooh... See y'all later! '' Yu said before following behind him.

''What did you tell him Tae?'' Jin asked in the tone of light scolding while crossing his arms.

''I told him that he should run in front of her because looking at her ass when she runs wouldn't be polite.'' Tae said before laughing along with Jimin.

''The poor boy...'' Hoseok said, trying to hold back his own laughter.

''Well I think we can all agree we were worried for nothing. He's still years away from getting a girl...'' Namjoon concluded.

Author's note: I always write Bangtan as a bunch of very supportive brothers, but anyone who isn't an only child will know that these types of sibling relashionships just don't happen! 

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Author's note: I always write Bangtan as a bunch of very supportive brothers, but anyone who isn't an only child will know that these types of sibling relashionships just don't happen! 

The boys are all adopted brothers in this story and they have been raised together, which means they have to obey the rules of sibling-hood and take the piss out of eachother every now and then! 

Sorry Jungkook; there had to be a scapegoat and you're so iresistible that you drew out your bro's jealous sides! xD

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