Oh, what a fool

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I wish I never loved you,

I wish I never cared.

I wish I wasn't always so foolish to give my heart away.

So quick to trust..

I thought we'd build something lasting together.

I thought we had long term potential.

I thought you wanted this too.

I thought you loved me too.

Oh, but how wrong was I?

What a fool I was for trusting you.

I always give my heart away too soon,

fall too quickly,

Oh what will I do?

I blame myself for trusting you..

I always think they'll catch me and they never do,

Oh what a fool I was,

It's nothing new.

Oh and you'll make your excuses, and you'll have your reasons,

I'll blame you, and you'll blame it on the season.

It just wasn't time,

You needed space,

You vanished without a trace.

And one day you'll come back, they always do,

They always hurt the girl who offers them a cup of love, too scared it could,

be poisoned.

They take the cup from me, they start to drink,

They stop when they've had their fill,

Leave me alone to wonder where I went wrong,

And I cut them off,

And they find their cup empty..

And then they want more.

And then they come back, apologize to me, ask me for another glass,

Another taste of me, and the kindness they ignored..and took for granted and,

let slip thorough their fingertips.

They learn that I'm as nurturing and as real and honest and as lovely as it gets,

and they miss it.

They wake up, and realize what they lost just because they were too scared of it, or too silly

And they regret it, what they did, walking away, leaving a scar, a mark on my skin.

The sting kicks in,

They hurt me.

All I ever did was offer love to them, and they hurt me.

So they ask me for another chance,

Or they try to make it right.

They write an apology, but by the time they come back ,

their words no longer mean a thing to me.

and they sit, and they ask themselves why they did it, and I ask too.

And I ask myself why I was so quick, so foolish to give my heart away to someone,

that I barely even knew.

And they can't answer me,

They don't know.

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