Why are the bad man always so cute?

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You should've loved me while you had me
Should've stood by me while I was there
Should've held me while you had me
Should've loved me while I was yours to lose
Oh and now you saying you want me back?
Well it don't work like that
They always want me back after they lose
I'm not a shiny toy
I'm not a trophy for you to put on your wall
I'm not a piece of art you can throw out
And then buy me back after you find out it's a collectable
No it don't work like that
They always want what they can't have
You want, you want me back
You don't even have to say it
I can read between the lines
I can hear what you're not saying
I know you think I'll leave him in the dust
I know you think I'll come running back into your arms
But I am not a fool
Oh no
I am not running back to you
I still love you a little, sure
But what I have now is worth so much more
My family loves him
His loves me
Why would I lose any of that in a heartbeat?
Am I playing you along?
Am I stringing you along?
Maybe I am
Not on purpose
But if I am
Well you deserve it
You deserve it
You can eat cake
You know
You were so fake
You used me and left me and brusied me
Why would I take you back just like that?
You must think I'm a fool
Why would I take you back?
Why would I leave someone else who's had my back through thick and thin just for you?
Just for youuu
You must be crazy
I still love you but this will Never work
There's too much history here
Too much hurt
You must be crazy
You think this worse
That's not how this works
To leave a man who loves me for some past Love
I can't
I won't
You should've loved me while I was yours
Should've held me when I was yours to lose
Watch me marry him someday
He's the one
You're a villain in a nice little suit
Why are the bad man always so cute?

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