Rose Tinted Glasses

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If you're not careful, I'll probably fall in love with you. I fall in love with every guy that says sweet words to me. It can't be helped. No wonder I get my heartbroken so often. I fall for words,I always have. Maybe that's why I love poetry so much? Beautiful words, I love them. It can't be helped. I have a soft-spot for sweet words. It's a weakness, just like candy is to me. I love candy, I love coffee, I love soda, I love tea, I love Ice cream and pies and cakes. I love anything sweet. Sweet words are just one of the many sweet things I love. So please don't tell me sweet nothings, please don't buy me sugar, please don't do anything sweet for me unless you want me to fall for you because I just might and you should be careful if you want me not to. I'm a hopeless romantic, in love with the idea of love itself. It's not something I admit to, but I am now. I can't help it. I love it all. I love the sweet nothings, the sweet gestures. I love the rush I get from it all, the feeling I get from it, the taste it leaves in my mouth. It's like a high. Like I'm on top of the world, and I never wanna come down. I love being in love. I'd stay there forever if I could. If only someone else would stay in love with me forever. If only people never left, hearts were never broken and words that couldn't be taken back were never spoken. If only things never changed.  I've learned that I fall so easily, that I sometimes see through rose tinted glasses. The truth is sometimes things are best left alone. Sometimes it's best people leave. Sometimes people aren't meant to stay no matter how much we wish they would and sometimes we never really know someone no matter how much we think that we do. Sometimes we're just in love with who we think they are. Sometimes we see the best in people, want to believe in the best in them, and sometimes it's not really there. Sometimes people aren't who we've made them out to be. Sometimes we only see what we want to see. Sometimes we don't see the truth till much later. Love isn't rational.

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