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Iv'e found that I love someone with a deep mind.

I love deep things,like the Ocean or the Galaxy.

Writing,painting,and dancing.

Things with a deep meaning behind them,people and places too.

Deep is beautiful,it's pretty,it's unique and it's different.

Deep is all sorts of different things.

Deep is unexpected.

Deep is passionate,anyone with a deep mind is.

Deep is deep.

It is the most beautiful thing I've seen.

Don't be shallow,be deep.

Now i know what shallow is,and what exactly it means to be deep.

No wounder people say "That's deep" when something means so much.

It is deep,it has a lot of meaning,and that is deep.

Deep is meaningful.

Deep is sad.

Deep is beautiful.

Deep is amazing.

To be deep,is to be many things all at once,

To hold so much meaning.

She's lost In A Sea Of PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now