I'm not perfect

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If I feel like I can't be myself with you,or around you,this isn't going to work. The more you shoot down my opinions, or the things I have to say without listening,the more you criticize what I say and how, or what I do, the more I feel like I can't be myself with you, and around you, and the more I'll shut down and close myself off to you and stop opening up to you. The less I'll talk to you, the less you'll know me, and the more I'll cut you off or push you away and you'll never know me and this will never work. Either let me be myself,completely,wholly, myself without judgement or criticism, or let me go. If you can't accept me for who I am, warts and all, I'm not for you and you're not for me and I don't want you to be apart of my life. I want someone in my life who can accept me for who I am, even when I act stupid, or break into a million tears over something they find ridiculous, or I won't shut up,Or I'm an anxious mess.  I know I'm not perfect. I know I'm not the most beautiful girl in the world, or the most lady like or hot. I know I'm not the funniest, or smartest or strongest. But i am beautiful,I am kind, I am sweet and thoughtful and funny, and yeah maybe I'm moody sometimes, maybe I trip over my own words  or over my own feet, or I think a lot and feel a lot, and I'm sensitive and indecisive and sometimes hard to understand.. Maybe I'm over serious,or messy and lazy sometimes. I'm not perfect. I'm human. But I would do anything for my friends and family and I try my best to be sweet, and polite and understanding and respectful and I try my best to control my emotions and to love myself and be the best version of myself every day and in the famous words of the great Marilyn Monroe, "If you can't handle me at my worse,than you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." Because though I may not be perfect (Who is?) , I'm beautiful inside and out and I deserve someone that sees that and accepts me for who I am.

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