Till You Can't Anymore

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You do it till you can't anymore.

You love, till you can't anymore

You dance, till you can't anymore
You sing till, you can't anymore

You write till, you can't anymore

You be, you breathe, you live, you exist, until you can't anymore

You do it all until you can't anymore.

Then you take a break till you can.

Because there are going to be many obstacles in this lifetime.

Sometimes you just need a break,that doesn't mean you should quit.

Not forever,just till you're ready to go on.

Till you're ready to continue.

Because this is just a break,healing time for your heart,your brain, for you.

And you'll know when you've been healed.

When you've found the closure you wanted,you'll feel it.

You're going to encounter some bad days, weeks,months and maybe even years.

But no matter how long you do,you have the power to stand up,to turn your life around.

It is all in the way you look at things.

Strong people get knocked down, maybe for what seems like an endless amiunt of time, but

strong people know when they're ready to get back up.

And when the time comes,they stand there ground.

You are battling yourself the most in this lifetime.

Your own mind is the biggest enemy.

Choose the way you must see things,for better or for worse.


But sometimes we have to be weak to realize just how strong we are.

Your going to go though some tough times but eventually ,you'll find you made it.

And that will be the best feeling in the world.

You made it.

And you'll make it again.

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