Sew Me Back Together With Your Words

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You say you know me but you don't.

You don't know me at 2 am when I'm listing to sad songs on YouTube.

You don't know who i miss.

You don't know who i love.

You don't know who i hate.

You don't know the thoughts and the rhymes that go on and on in my mind.

You don't know what hurts me.

You don't know whats made me.

You don't know what could tear me down,break me, and rip me to shreds.

You don't know my strongest points.

You don't know my weakest points

.You don't know the heartbreak I've tasted.

If you wish to know just ask.

I'll tell you all of it, every single thing if you ask me.

Because i don't know your heart break.

I don't know why you hate the people you hate.

I don't know what you've been though.

I don't know whats broken you and what has made you.

But i do know that what ever it is that has broken you has made you too.

Who you are today you wouldn't be without that heartbreak you've been though.

I don't know who you are at 2 am.

I don't know why you care.

And it's tearing me apart.

Everything you say is running though my head.

Why do you care?

What have i become?

These questions are tearing me apart.

So give me the answers,and sew me back together with your words.

Sew me back together with your words,

With the words that you speak from that tongue that's too busy being pressed against the insides of my cheeks.

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