You're the worse

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And just when I thought we had it right,just when i thought everything was going fine you ended it. You broke it. You gave up,and you walked away,and  you can say you did it out of love,you can say it's cause you care,but I don't care. You hurt me,again. You've hurt me so many times only for me to forgive you and let you back in. I've tried so many times to keep you out, but you keep finding yourself back in. Well there's only so many times I'm going to let you in and give you a chance only for you to turn me away again. There's only so many chances you get, and i think yours have run out.  I love you, and if you truly love me,than please don't come back because it hurts so much to let you back in only for you to leave again. It hurts so much for you to love,to feed me these compliments and then go away, and find an excuse and stab me again. It hurts so much for you to build me up,only to knock me down again. Why the hell do you do that? You act like you're so great,but you're the worse

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