A war within (part 1)

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Things have been tough but things will get better.

I have survived before, I will survived again.

I have been depressed before.

I have been knocked down before.

I have survived other storms before this one, I can and will survive this one too.

Everything will be okay.

Life has ups, life has downs.

But at the end of evry strom is a rainbow.

At the end of every storm the sun shines again.

It will shine again, eventually, it has too.

It can't rain forever.

Nothing can bring me down forever.

I will be okay.

I am just growing.

I am growing, I will grow through this pain.

They watched me fall down and they will watch me pull myself back up from the dirt.

They watched me jump in the river and drown. 

And they will watch as I give myself CPR and revive myself.

Flowers grow back after they are stepped on and so will I.

Nothing last forever

and this wont either. 

Sometimes we go through storms and we come out the other side, better,stronger.

Sometimes we get knocked down but we get back up and fight again.

I will be okay.

All these past things have been haunting me

but they don't matter.

They're all just ghost and while my past is part of me my past is not me.

It does not and will not define me.

I am strong though I have been weak.

we are all weak sometimes.

But in order to be strong we have to be weak. 

I will come out of this the other side.

Everything will be okay.

I will be okay with or without you.

I'm tired of feeling needy so I'll try not to be anymore.

Besides I thought I needed you but what I really needed all along was me.

I need me. 

I need to take better care of me.

I will be okay.

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