It's exhausting

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Don't tell me I've got it easy when you don't understand how hard it is to be me.

It may sound like i do

But you don't understand or know how hard it is too think all the god damn time about every little fucking thing and everyone and wounder so much and worry so much, it's exhausting.

you don't understand how exhausting it is to feel everything, other people's energy, other people's they are your own..

and how exhausting it is to feel hurt by every tiny little joke and wish you didn't

and how exhausting it is to feel so exhausted no matter how much sleep you get..

and how exhausting it is too care so much and love so much and think so much and worry so much and  hurt and feel as much as I do..

it's exhausting

it's a blessing and a curse

and it is so god damn exhausting..

She's lost In A Sea Of PoetryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin