All I did this time was walk away

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I hope you can understand that I had to walk away from you this time.It was too complicated for me,too stressful. I deserve more,and we both know I deserve more. I couldn't stay anymore. I couldn't take you back and pretend that everything was okay,that we were okay.I couldn't do it,no matter how much I wanted to,I had to walk away this time. I had to let you go for you,for myself,for us. This is the end and endings are hard. Sometimes pages are hard to turn and things are hard to forget but I will forget this and ,I will forget you. I will never forget how you love me ,or how I loved you,and I will never forget what you taught me.,but I will not live in this relationship anymore, There isn't one anymore. This will be behind us now,and the only one you have to blame is yourself. All I  did was what was right for me and we both know I didn't hurt you,you hurt me,and what hurts the most is that I had several chances to hurt you and I never took any of them.,none,not one and I  should've let you go a long time ago,but at least now I am. I should've known it' would end this way. I'm not surprised. I'm always the one who's left hurting the most. I'm always the one who rather be hurt than hurt someone else, who's always too scared to say words that I know could potentially hurt someone.I always keep them to myself. Maybe if I didn't have any doubts about us in the first place,or maybe if I would've talked to you about them,none of this would've ever happened.maybe we would've ended a long time ago on a softer note,on better terms. Maybe if I had never taken you back in the firsts place we'd be on better terms right now. Maybe you'd still be in my life. Maybe I'd still be in yours right now.Maybe I'm the one to blame for all of this,for how we ended.. Maybe it's my fault,not yours.Maybe I gave you the motive to hurt me,along with the position,and all you did was taken what I had given you and stabbed me in the back with it. Maybe you thought you were proving a point. Maybe you thought you were doing the right thing. But now we're over and I don't know if we can ever go back to what we were. Now we're over and I don't know if there will ever be an us again.  Now we're over and I don't know that we could go back to us even if we wanted to and maybe we're both to blame for this,me for giving you the power to hurt me and the false reason,and you for believing it,and for taking it,and for using it as your motivation to hurt me. Well I guess this is how we end. There's no going back now. No matter how much I want to turn around,no matter how much you want to turn around, I can't,you can't,we can't and with time I'll be fine . Believe me I'll be fine in time. I just hope you can understand. You can't blame me for walking away. You can't blame me for protecting myself this time. You can''t blame me for standing up for myself,for taking care of myself,for having my own back this time and I hope you remember that you're the one who gave me a reason to build my walls up again.  You're the one who gave me a reason to walk away. All I did this time was take it.  All i did this time was use it. All I did this time was listen to it. All i did this time was walk away.

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