Ch.55 Urges

285 22 9

A/N: Dont know wat to put...;-;

A/N: hi this is future author! So...I made this like 3 hours ago and thought I posted it...sry!
"Shh, we have to be quiet~" I placed my finger to my lips and smiled at Shoto. "Buts its not even late?" I rolled my eyes and unlocked the front door.

The house was dark and it looked like everyone else had gone to bed already. "See, they are asleep" I set a fot inside and the lights turned on. "Hisssss!"

I squinted my eyes and tried to shield my face. I saw my vision turn black as I yanked the thing off of  my head. "You were out late missy!"

I threw Shotos jacket at his face and witnessed a rolling chair facing its back at us. The chair slowly faced us and I let out a cackling laugh. "Oh my god!"

Shoto let out a laugh as we both fell onto the floor. My dad sat down at the rolling chair and had Oliver in his lap, but instead of petting a cat. He was petting Oliver's head.

"Hey, we didn't have a I thought this would pass!" Shoto stood up and offered his hand. "Thank you~" he looked at me and his eyes were clouded with lust

"Anything for my gorgeous girl~" We both have eachothers Eskimo kisses and heard a loud hurling noise. "Blurgggg, They were gonna suck each other's faces off again!"

Toshinori gave Oliver a plurplexed face but shrugged it off. "Hey, Be happy that you're mommy and daddy love each other a lot!"

I felt Shoto wrap his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to his warm side. "Well It's late, and tomorrow you guys have school....ha"

I let out a whine and Oliver had followed Shoto and I up the stairs. "Daddy you're spending the night!" Oliver almost missed a step but I quickly pulled him into my arms.

He continued to talk to Shoto as if nothing hadn't happened. I opened my bedroom door and let them walk inside. "Goodnight dad!"

I was about the close the door but heard him call my name. "No funny business with you're boyfriend okay" he closed his bedroom door and I stood their in shock, I heard snickering and quickly turned around.

I closed the door and ran up to the two in the bed. I squashed Shoto and put all my weight on him, and felt a small body squirming under my arm. "Mommy you're heavy"

I stood up and placed my hands on my hips. "If you think I'm too heavy then go find a new mommy" he sat up on his knees and shook his head. "N-New M-Mommy"

I nodded my head and heard whimpering. I looked at the small child's face and his lower lip began to tremble.

"Daddy...Mommy doesn't love me anymore!" He hugged Oliver and looked up at me. He gave a serious face and pointed down at Oliver. I let out a sigh and walked towards the small child. "Oliver...sweetie"

he let out a grumbling noise and replied back to me. "What" I placed him on my lap he tried to push me away but I pulled him closer, not letting him go. "You know I love you,with all my heart"

he looked up at me and wiped away his tears that were rolling down his cheeks. "You still love me..." I nodded my head and began to tickle his sides. "Of course my little kitty!"

He begged me to stop as he crawled towards Shoto. "Okay, enough monkeying around...its bed time" I looked at Shoot and shook my head.

Oliver had noticed what I was doing and also crossed his arms and shook his head. "See Y/N you're teaching him bad manners, tsk tsk" He uncovered the bed and snuggled against the pillows.

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