Ch.30 Thinking

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A/N: Am I the the only one who hates Hospitals? What do you think of them;-;
Also if there is any spelling mistakes plz don't be shy and point them out it really makes me happy when you guys point things out (^^)
I turned around and entered the building, it was still pretty light outside even when the sun was setting. My hands shaking from my sides as I tried to compose myself.

Ah...I see... I guess it's been so long I've forgotten how Hospitals looked like. I made my way up to the front desk and asked the receptionist if they had already cleaned up the room I had stayed in.

"I believe they had a black bag when they were cleaning the room...was that yours sweetie?" I frantically nodded my head as I began to panic "Yeah that's it! Do you know where it was taken to?"

the lady who looked like she was in her mid thirties began to type onto her keyboard. "It was taken to the lost and found...down the hall and you'll see the sign on the right" she smiled and I thanked her.

Hospitals...can be the place that can bring one joy and can also be the place that brings one sadness. I walked towards the room and began to get an eerie feeling that something was about to happen.

"It's probably in your head..." I shook off the feeling and entered the room. The place was dimly lit and looked like a scene that belonged inside a horror film.

Where is that bag? I ran up to a pile of clothes and noticed something that looked familiar. I threw off the piles of clothes and finally grabbed the bag. "Thank god! Now I can leave this freak show of a place!"

I hugged the bag against my chest and quickly ran out of the room. I quickly flung opened the door and threw myself out of the dark room. I stood outside in the hall and let out a sigh of relief. I better hurry I can't make Shoto wait any longer!

I began to walk back to the front desk and waved goodbye to the receptionist. I walked slowly and felt like something weird was going on, maybe it's this place or probably just could be me.Why did I feel so weird in that room it's not like anyone else was in there...unless I-

"there you are, I was getting a little worried for a bit" Shoto had been waiting outside the building in the same spot he was before I left. Except instead of standing he was crouching over something.

"What you got there...bud?" I was now standing beside him and desperately tried to look over his shoulder. Damn my height! Wish those legs of mine tried to grow some sense into themselves.

"Shoto what are you hiding?" he quickly looked behind and smiled. Shoto...smiling...the Shoto smiling at something other than me? Hmmm. He faced towards me once again and I began to walk closer to him.

"Shoto can you please show me...please" I then wrapped my arms around him and snuggled up close to his chest. Why do still feel embarrassed when we're already dating, is this normal!...keep it together.

"Fine I'll show you, but it was going to be a surprise later" he picked up the object and then smiled softly at it. "Look who it is" the small white cat was purring softly and tried to reach out towards me.

"Hi baby, did you miss me...sorry mommy was gone for a bit~" I grabbed the cat out of Shotos arms and smiled softly at the companion. "Shoto how did you find out about Oliver anyways?" I then grabbed Shotos hand and began to walk home.

"Well Iida had informed me that your were with a cat...and that he had to take it away from the USJ building, after the whole villain attack" I nodded my head and looked around the street. Its not the hospital then...I still feel uncomfortable even right now.

"Y/n are you alright you looked confused on something...did I confused you?" I shook my head and began to nervously play with Oliver's fur. "No I'm alright it's probably the medicine they gave me"

I'll just keep it from Shoto I don't want him to worry about me, like everyone else did before I met him. "Shoto.." he was looking at a vending machine and decided to stop by and get something. "Yes y/n" he was picking out something and I decided to ask him.

"Why do you treat me differently? Everyone else I've met treated me like if I was some fragile girl who wanted to be strong...if that makes sense"

I sat down at a nearby bench and continued to stroke Oliver's fur. Telling Shoto this makes me feel comfortable and like I can be my true self with him. Shoto had grabbed his beverage and handed it to me.

"Here...take it, it's for saving a classmates life" I quick stood up and remembered the events that had caused me to be taken to the hospital. "You still haven't answered my question"

I let out a sigh and decided to let go of the topic and decided to try and get back to my normal self. I don't know but I feel like I've been a different person lately...I don't know who I am anymore. "Y/N...Y/N" I quickly looked around and snapped out of my thoughts.

Its funny how thoughts can make a person think about things, sometimes good stuff and sometimes bad stuff. "Sorry Shoto I was just thinking about some need to worry!" I let out a giggle and pulled Shoto through the cool streets of the city.

"It's nights like these that make a person I just overthinking lately" I had realized I was talking out loud and quickly apologized. Shoto waved it off and nodded his head in return to my statement.

"Your right though...nights like these can make a person think about thing's" he slightly smiled and quickened his pace now being the one in front. I guess it's better to think about thing's... I looked down at my arms and smiled at the sight of the sleeping kitten cuddled up in my arms.

The smell of the dewy grass and misty air made me feel at peace. Shoto halted and calmly looked up from his spot on the sidewalk. "It's going to rain soon...we better hurry up" I nodded my head and continued to walk.

Everything just feels so surreal and fake...and it feels like I'm just being watched by someone. I took a quick look around and could feel my heart beat against my chest.

The feeling of uneasiness now overthrowing the peace that was now long gone. I guess thinking can be good...but it can also be unnerving.
IM SCARED!!! Have any of you guys gotten anything like surgery...if you have, PLZ TELL ME SOME TIPS BECAUSE IM SCARED...;-;

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