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Its almost my time, I wonder how she feels right now. Probably confused, maybe even a bit more comfortable. Its a shame she's not going to exist anymore. I guess my time here really changed me, I'm sad to say this. But...I'm going to miss her, thank you for making me realize that everything I have and wanted was here all along. I've always felt unwanted, excluded, and a nuisance. But now I know there is all kinds of different people, and I'm lucky to have people who care about me. Even when I lost all hope, I found out that just staying in this dark room...can change my view. Experience the hardships from a birds eye and do nothing but watch. Thank you...I hope you had a nice time with them.

My dreams, there wasn't anything going on in my head. Nothing just pitch black, my left side of my head in pain. Why can't I just wake up? I tried to open my eyes but they stayed shut.

"Shoto I can't open my eyes!" I tried to move but I stayed in place. I then breathed in and slowly opened my eyes. I wasn't with Oliver or Shoto, the flower beds were no where to be seen.

And there was nothing, just a dark room with no windows or doors. "I was waiting for you" I turned around and walked towards the shadow figure. "Um, do I know you?" I felt my feet get cold and I looked down at the floor.

The floor covered with an inch of water. No spot left dry, "where are we?" I continued to walked towards the girl who was sitting in the corner of the room. "I don't know" she sounded like if she was crying.

I stood in front of her and reached out a hand. She hesitated and nodded her head, she grabbed my thin hand that had no trace of fat. "It must of been rough" I looked at the girl and widened my eyes.

"Y-your me!" She nodded her head and let out a giggle. I looked all over her body and noticed something different from her. "You look healthy..." I looked at my body and saw the ribs that were visible.

My arms thin and looked like they could snap at any sort of contact. "I was it?" I looked around the room and noticed nothing was in here. "How was what?" I sat down on the wet ground and she had done the same after.

I looked at her clothes and saw that she was wearing a nightgown. It was soaking wet along with her hair that looked knotted. "How was it at the villain hideout" I noticed that she probably wasn't having the time of her life either.

"You mean that abandoned building right?" She nodded her head and messed with the water on the ground. "It was alright...I was treated good over there" the girl stopped and looked up at me her eyes glaring into mine. I look terrifying when I'm mad!

"Erity we both know that wasn't the case" I felt attacked and frustrated with that statement. "No I actually met my boyfriend!" I stood up and let out a huff. She stayed calm and smiled at me, I stuck my tongue out at her and sat back down.

"He's my savior...he said he saved me from Shoto" Y/N covered my mouth with her hand and I widened my eyes. "Don't you ever say that to him!" She glared at me and I nodded my head. She released me and sat back down.

"He doesn't deserve to be called 'savior' okay" I nodded my head and played with the water. "I've been watching your every move Erity" I gave her a puzzled look and she nodded her head. "I've been here for weeks by now"

I felt intrigued and layed down on my stomach and held up my head with my hands. "Erity, I'm Y/N and I was kidnapped by Tomura Shigaraki, TWO FUCKING TIMES!" I held in my breathe when she had screamed loudly.

"The first time was alright but luckily I escaped because of my friend Himiko Toga" I nodded my head and looked down at the floor. "When you met her I was ecstatic because I was meeting her again"

Y/N looked down at her lap and I heard small sniffles. "But...I couldn't say hi to her...because I was watching her from this room" I stood up and comforted her by rubbing my hand on her back.

"I'm..sorry" she looked at me and shook her head. "There is no need to apologize! I'm happy you took over...I now realized something that I hadn't thought about before" I nodded my head and sat back down on the ground.

By now my clothes were soaked in water and I began to get goosebump from the cold. "Thank you can go back if you want to" I arched my brow and grabbed her hand. She had tears rolling down her cheeks and she kept on wailing in pain.

"You can go back and take over again" I can either go back and live the life I had woken up with or I can stay here and slowly fade away. "But I don't even remember should go Y/N"

She held in her breathe and widened her eyes. I smiled and wiped away her excess tears. "You can go back...You have all your memories of your life...while I am nothing but an empty shell taking over"

I hugged her and she returned the hug. I felt tears roll down my back and I patted her frail body. She stood up and I walked her towards a bright light. I wasn't sure how it got there but I wasn't going to worry. "Y/N, take care of them..."

she nodded her head and smiled at me. She began to walk into the light. I then called out to her "FORGET ME!" She nodded her head and waved a goodbye. If she tries to remember me I'll only live and suffer inside this room.

There was still so many answers I wanted to ask her. But its not like I was going to remember them. I began to cry and the light slowly faded away. I walked towards the corner of the room and sat down.

My body getting cold and lifeless as I let out a cry. "I hope she continues to live in happiness...I'm happy I got to experience it" I looked at my legs and they began to fade away.

The memories I had made me feel at bliss knowing I was able to experience them. I saw my torso turning transparent and I smiled at the sight.

"I'll miss you Oliver...And I'll miss you too Shoto...even though I already had someone I love, you still somehow made me feel like I was in the clouds"

I no longer felt my lower half of my body and looked at my arms and saw that they were no where to be found. My right eyes vision then turned black and I already knew my time was up.

Thank you Y/N...take care...have fun...make memories for me, goodnight.

The dark room now empty and the walls began to crumble. The water dispersed and light began to shine through the cracks. The room now no more and now nothing left from before.

If you're gonna walk on thin ice might as well danceDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora