Ch.49 Kiyashi ward shopping mall

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A/N: so now the chapters are going to get longer from this point. So if you feel like this chapter is longer then now you know~ SORRY FOR ANY SPELLING MISTAKES
"Mommy what should I wear?" Oliver was trying to climb up a planter. "Oliver please get down, your going to hurt yourself" he nodded his head and jumped off. I quickly ran towards him and held him up.

"That was close" he let out a whine and I placed him back down. Hmm be grateful you little piece of- "Oliver please don't make your mother worried" Shoto grabbed his hand and I felt happy.

At least I know someone is on my side~ "Oh we should match again!" Oliver ran ahead of us and ran to the front porch. "You know our matching outfits are in my room, right?"

Shoto was going to leave but I had remembered that detail. "Oh yeah, I guess I could just stay here" I linked my arm in his and we both walked up the the front door. Shoto had grabbed my keys and opened the door.

He gave me a peck and opened the door letting us in. "I'll go get the outfits!" Oliver ran up the stairs and I walked over to the couch. " much has happened" Shoto plopped down next to me and let out a sigh.

"Yup...I'm just happy to have you here again" he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I laid my head on his. "You know I love you Y/N" I nods my head and I looked up at him.

"I love you too Shoto" He slowly got closer to my face and I began to get hot. His warm breath hitting my lips and I closed the gap slowly. I felt like I melting, and I felt him pull me closer.

"Daddy? Why are you eating mommy?" I pulled away and I regained my breathing. "Daddy isn't eating me...he was giving me CPR!" The boy nodded his head and ran on top of us.

He pulled out the bag and showed me our outfits. "These are cute, did Daddy helped you" Oliver pulled his clothes out and placed them in front of me. "Yeah!" I got up from the couch and grabbed my outfit.

"I'll go change in my room~" Oliver began to follow me but I had stopped him. "You go change with Daddy" He pouted and walked back to the living room.

Okay, let's see what else Mr. Todoroki picked out. I closed my bedroom door and made sure to lock it. "Don't want any peeping toms in this room!" I examined the outfit and felt the material.

Hmm is this be worn by me. "It's a cute yellow..."


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