Ch.8 Savior

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A/N: I suddenly felt this boost of confidence and I'm more determined to make a chapter, enjoy and plz vote if you enjoyed~ ^ ^

also I'm experimenting with how the layout is so it can be read more easily
WHERE IS SHE!! I ran through the streets, to see if I can find at least a glimpse of her (h/c) hair. My lungs were burning in pain but I had pushed that aside and continued to run, not caring if I were to pass out from exhaustion. The sun had already set and I've been looking for Y/N for more than over an hour ago, the streets were now empty except for the people either walking or driving home.

The sound of my feet echoed through the night. I wonder if Y/N's dad has already found a trace of her...why would she run away? My legs began to shake and I then realized how tired and exhausted I was from running. I slowly came to a stop and looked up to the sky, my eyes began to cloud with tears. I had wiped them away but they had produced even more tears.

My shaking knees then gave out as I fell onto them. Does she really think I don't appreciate her?....Am I a horrible friend? I then hollered out a cry. "Y/N WHERE ARE YOU!" I slowly looked down at my shaking hands Y/n I hope your safe, please don't harm yourself because would I continue to become a hero without you beside me.

Am I happy with the decision I've made?
I had felt the wind blow my (h/c) hair, my body then fell as I faced my back towards the water. The wind rapidly blowing my tank top and making my skin feel cold as ice. It had all felt like a whole hour but in reality it was only a few seconds. Gravity had made me feel like a magnetic object getting pulled towards the water closer, and faster. The ice cold water then made contact with my delicate skin, making it feel all numb.

I guess it's better to slowly suffocate and think back at the memories I've made in this life. I then remembered the time when my father had adopted me, it was totally unplanned for and was merely in the moment. He was working near where I lived and had came across little me, I was adventuring and had came up to him. I couldn't believe I didn't know who All Might was back then, but I still came up to him.

He had just looked into my eyes and saw sadness and loneliness. I had asked him if he was a hero and was sad when he had told me he wasn't. He walked me back to the orphanage and offered if I wanted him to become my guardian. I wonder why he chose me...I guess I'll never get the answer...I only had met him for a few minutes but he offered to take me's funny really. As I had thought about the possibilities I hadn't noticed my eyes becoming more heavy, my body then relaxed as I felt myself drift to sleep, I'll just take a nap...a nap where I can never wake up from.

I was sent by my sister who had offered if I were to go and buy some groceries at the store then I would be given a surprise. I didn't really accepted the offer because of the surprise...only because I had wanted to have a quirk stroll through the streets. It sure is pretty today...makes me wonder what Y/N is doing, sure she's a stranger but I guess she could be doing anything right now. I clutched the groceries and thanked the cashier as I walked out of the store.

On my way out I spotted a vending machine it had flavored milk beverages. I then selected the strawberry flavor and purchased the beverage and continued walking through the streets. I'll save this for later I then made my way towards the bridge that I had crossed previously. There was a neatly placed jacket and shorts along with shoes. Hmmm were these clothes here before? I then grabbed the clothes and sniffed it, that was definitely the most weirdest shit I've done before.

They smell like peaches? I placed them back onto the ground. Why would somebody leave clothes on the bridge? Unless.... A loud splash interrupted my thoughts, I quickly rushed towards the edge to see the once calm water moving intensely. Without thinking I took off my coat and jumped into the freezing cold water. I swam deep into the water and spotted something wait, what is's a GIRL!

I then swam as fast as I can towards the girl and tried reaching for her. My finger tips had made barely made contact with her hand as I yanked her towards me and quickly swam up to the surface. I had carried her up to the bridge and decided to go through the medical procedures. I shook her as hard as I can and even pinched her to see if she gave any kind of a response.

Shit, she's not responding... I then tilted her head backwards and placed my head towards her mouth and looked at her chest to see if she was breathing. She's not breathing I need to be quick! I then took a huge breath and proceeded to pinch her nose, without a second thought I placed my lips onto hers, and gave her a few breaths. Don't die right can't die As soon as I finished she had coughed out water and took huge intakes of air.

She's alive I then huffed out a sigh. Relief then washed over me and I quickly asked the girl questions. Wait I think I've seen this girl before....oh wait it's the stranger I met on my jog. "Haven't I saved you before?" she then opened her eyes and they were filled with shock. "ITS YOU" I then nodded as I took that as a yes. She then grabbed my shoulders and shook me "why...YOU WERE NOT SUPPOSED TO SAVE ME!" she stopped and lowered her head.

"Why did you jump..." Y/N then looked at me and I gave her a stern look "you could of killed yourself...unless that's what you were aiming for" she then stood up and tried to walk away but I had gripped onto her wrist

I'm for sure not letting her go off on her own "come back here" she ignored me and tried to escape my grip. "Just stop, your not going anywhere" she stood still and kept her back faced towards me. I then felt my hand shaking as I looked to see Y/N whimpering. With her free hand she wiped away her tears, "why did you save me?" I stood still and pulled her towards me her back still faced me.

Why doesn't she want me to see her face I then turned her around and hugged her. She started to bawl her eyes out, and small croaks and sniffles were heard. I rubbed her back as I heard her painful weeping. I don't know why I hugged her she's only a stranger but no one should ever go through this...even a stranger.

The crying then stopped and the sound of her runny nose was left. I released the hug and walked towards the pile of clothes. "Are these yours?" She nodded her head still facing the ground. I picked up her clothes and changed her I gently placed the sweater over her head and held the sleeves so she could put her arms through, and I gave her the shorts so she could put them on.

I then grabbed her shoes and placed them on her feet and tied the laces up. "Why are you doing this, I'm only a stranger" I then looked up at her "because no one should ever go through this...misery" I then walked towards my groceries and picked them up I then grabbed my sweater and put it back on. "Y/N come over here" she then slowly walked over and stood still.

"Do you want me to take you back home?" She had slowly shook her head as a no and started to mess around with her sleeves. I then walked forward and motioned for her to follow me. We walked through the Sakura trees and stayed silent. "Where are we going?" She looked up at me her eyes full of curiosity.

I then looked inside the grocery bag and pulled out the strawberry milk I had bought and handed her the bottle. She then opened it and began to drink the beverage her once depressed face now turned into one that showed peace. We then continued walking through the streets and felt the cool air

   "we're going to my house" the sun began to shine and the weather was no longer foggy. Y/n looked up at me and smiled "that seems nice" she then faced forward and continued to drink the milk and soon she stopped and stood still "Shoto are you my savior?" I stood there in shock and just calmly nodded. It's not like after this I'll see her again

she's only a stranger but why am I doing this I don't even know anything about her and yet here I am, taking a stranger to my house.....but something about her makes me feel weird inside, it's probably the heat...right?
A/N: sry that the chapter is short but i just wanted to quickly post a new chapter for you guys to read, vote if you enjoyed it
sry if there is any spelling mistakes (°▽°)

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