Ch.44 Companion

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A/N: sry if there is any spelling mistakes plz enjoy the book 。゚('ω')゚。
"Okay, Go introduce yourself to Y/N" Shoto had lightly nudged the smaller boys shoulder. Toshinori had placed the picture back on the shelf and we both walked into the living room.

The small boy was hesitant and shyly walked to the front of the room. "I-I'm Oliver and I'm Cat?" I arched my brow and let out a chuckle.

How can this kid be a cat! I felt someone touch my shoulder, I looked to my right. Shoto shook his head and I stopped laughing and looked back at the small child. "It's nice meeting you Oliver!"

He smiled and walked towards me. He then jumped onto my lap and gave me a hug, but this time I was more comfortable with this action.

"Okay it's my turn..." Shoto had stood up in front of me and nervously grabbed my hand. "I'm Shoto Todoroki and I'm your....boyfriend" I heard a loud gasp and Toshinori had stood up from his seat.

"THIS WHOLE TIME YOU WERE DATING HER!" he looked amazed and walked towards Shoto. "Why didn't you tell anyone?" Shoto shrugged his shoulders and stared into my eyes.

"Because I know Y/N would of wanted to keep it a secret" my heart began to beat faster and my face felt hot. "WELL ITS NOT A FLIPPING SECRET ANYMORE!"

I had blurted out and my face reddened realizing I had said it out loud. I quickly buried my head into Oliver's soft hair. I'm not his GIRLFRIEND! Or am I?

Toshinori had let out a loud sigh and I looked back up at Shoto. "Now that everyone has introduced themselves to Y/N, I can continue with my announcement"

Oliver had made himself comfortable on my lap and I felt his breathing against my neck. Is he asleep? I looked down and saw the boys eyes closed shut, he looked peaceful.

"Tomorrow Y/N is going to U.A again, I want Shoto to escort you everywhere you go...until you remember your memories...okay" Shoto nodded his head and I looked at Toshinori.

"Is it alright if I continue this U.A thing?" He nodded his head and I felt nervous about it. "Okay..." my voice was mumbled and I felt my hands get sweaty. What is U.A is it some sort of facility or maybe it's like a prison!

I stood up from the couch and held Oliver in my arms. "I'll go get some sleep...where does Oliver sleep?" Shoto stood up and patted the small boys head. "He's been sleeping in your room...since you offered him to stay in there"

I nodded my head and walked towards the stairs. I heard Shoto call out to me and I looked back at him. "I'll be going back home now...have a goodnight Y/N" I waved bye and walked up the stairs. Man Oliver weighs like nothing!

I opened the bedroom door and walked near the bed. I placed Oliver down and tucked him in. So this is my looks familiar. I opened the closet door and looked at the sleepwear.

I pulled out a simple white night gown and walked inside the bathroom. I have to change in here now that I have a roommate in here, who is a boy. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled.

I look different...I'm not Erity and I don't even know if I'm Y/N. But my vision told me I was Y/N. I washed my face and wiped off the excess water with a nearby fluffy towel. "Who cares...lets just see!"

I walked out and smiled at the small boy laying down on the bed. Hmm, so he's my cat...cute, I turned off the table light and laid down next to Oliver. His small arms wrapped around me and I let out a hum.

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