Ch.26 Nicknames

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A/N: Enjoy the chapter~ i didn't know what to name the chapter (OvO)
The screaming of villains rushing towards me was heard throughout the room. Kirishima had been trying to hold them back but I had told him to let them go. "BRING IT ON BITCHES!" I reloaded my guns and began to use Explosive Burst.

I aimed at one guy who tried to grab me. The burning sensation of my fingers releasing the bullet. The bullet had made contact with his chest and he flew out of the window. I just defeated my first bad guy! I looked up and I began to shoot all of the guys running towards me.

Kirishima was now helping me fight off anyone who would get too close. "What happened, while I was gone?" I had grunted, while quickly reloading my guns. Kirishima was now facing his back towards me and fought off, anyone who was trying to get near me.

"Well, 13 was giving us an explanation of USJ" I had finished and ran back to my position. "A weird portal or something showed up but we thought it was part of the simulation, turns out it wasn't" I nodded my head and shot someone who tried to stab Shark boi.

The explosions were now making the room smoky and I decided to move positions. "Imma move, cover me okay" I readied myself to run towards Katsuki. I waited for Kirishima to give me the okay. "OKAY GO!" I sprinted to the other side of the room dodging the fist getting thrown at me.

I slid on the ground and landed next to Katsuki, I quickly dusted off my dress and leaned against katsukis back. "Took you long enough!" I had ignored the fierce hedgehog and aimed at the enemies. Not realizing someone creeping up beside me I continued shooting forward.

I felt something grab my arm, "GET YOUR HAND OFF ME PERV" I had continued to shoot with one hand while I used the other one and grabbed their arm and flipped them forward onto their back. I quickly pointed my gun down and shot them on the leg.

The piercing sounds of grown men screaming was making my ears hurt. "Can you guys be quiet?" I had realized Katsuki was not against my back and I started to freak out.he was here a second ago!?. I turned around and a hard fist was thrown at me and knocked me down onto the ground.

Shit!, that hurt like hell! I grabbed my jaw and moved it around, the pain was unbearable. I looked up at the villain and noticed him holding a knife. "Uhh, hey buddy what do you got there?"

I let out a nervous laugh. The villain began to laugh maniacally and lunges towards me. "AH SHIT!" I had widened my eyes and I tried standing up, but was pinned down onto the ground by someone else.

Fuck this, I would choose choking on a petal and die...over this crap! I tried kicking my feet at the villain and moved my wrist. The guy was now about to jab me and I squinted my eyes ready for the impact. Instead an explosion was heard and the guy was blown across the room.

I felt my wrist getting released and someone picking me up from the ground. I looked up and widened my eyes seeing Katsuki. "Oi put me down!, There's STILL OTHER VILLAINS WE HAVE TO BEAT!"

I squirmed in his arms and he had released me causing me to fall on my ass. "Ow what the hell was that for" I then stood up and glared at him. Katsuki then ran off "BE GRATEFUL THAT I SAVED YOUR LIFE!"

I was about to thank him, and I felt the stinging feeling of someone slapping my face and I quickly turned around and drop kicked the villain. "DIDNT YOU LEARN ITS RUDE TO INTERRUPT SOMEONE WHEN THEIR TALKING....RUDE ASS"

I blew a raspberry at them and noticed Villains attacking Shark boi. "OH HECK NAW!" I ran towards Kirishima and shot the villains that were circling around him. "Are you alright Shark boi!" He nodded his head and ran towards me.
Time skip: brought to you by "Y/N acting like a BAD ASS"

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