Ch 37. Boyfriend?

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A/N: I am so tired...But I'll update two chapters today which I have already done by now, sry if there is any spelling mistakes....(( _ _ ))..zzzZZ
The next morning after the incident with Tomura, I stayed in my room all day. I knew the only way I could survive this hell hole,  I live in was minding my own business.

"That fucking bastard touching me...he'll get karma someday!" I kicked the stacks CDs and stared at the window above my bed. "If only I had a shrinking I even have a quirk?"

I walked over towards the door that kept me safe from the outside. I need to pee...but where is the bathroom. I slowly unlocked the door and stepped out in the open.

The cool halls making my hairs stand up, I walked away from my room and decided to look for a certain blonde. "She's probably in the bar..." I hesitantly walked in the direction towards the bar.

Every step I took the more sweatier I got, how am I sweaty when it's freezing in here. I found the door and opened it, I scanned the room and found Shigaraki and Kurogiri at the bar. Shit...I'll go look somewhere else.

I slowly backed away and began to walk in a different direction until I was called out. "I know it's you Erity, don't be shy come in" I knew there was no way I was getting out this situation.

I hate being treated like I'm some kind of pet, always having to obey. I opened the door and walked towards the two males. Just sit down and stay quiet's not that hard. I sat down and asked for a glass of water.

"I'll go get it" I felt scared when it was just the two of us alone in the bar. A whole bunch of scenarios began to play in my mind as I began to shake in fear. "What's wrong with you?" I ignored him and stared at the counter. "I asked you a question so you have to answer me!"

He slammed the counter and I jumped up from the sudden action. "Don't you remember your past..." I looked at him shook my head. "I don't remember anything about my past except that day I first met you" Shigaraki smiled and nodded his head.

"So you do remember me" I let out a sigh and shook my head. "I remember meeting you but I can't remember what kind of connections we have" he might help me find some of my memories...but what if he asks for something in return.

A small bead of sweat rolled down my face as I tightly balled my fist. "I don't remember anything but...Please tell me about my past.." I was on my knees and I begged for him to tell me.

"Okay I'll tell you...but you have to listen to me when I talk to you" I nodded my head and stood up. "Well you met me at a cafe, and you know bought me some lotion and stuff"

I shook my head and eagerly waited for him to continue. "We became friends after that and we would always hang out here in this bar" I nodded my head towards him. "After a couple of months of seeing each other we officially became a couple!"

I widened my eyes and shook my head side to side. No I couldn't have fallen in love with this...Monster. "We we're lovers...believe it or not, you were friends with everyone here and claimed that they were your family"

I guess that sounds like something I would say. "But what about the cat!" I interrupted him and slammed my fist on the table. He looked at me with a puzzled face and began to scratch his neck.

"What cat?" I squinted my eyes and felt like something fishy was going on. "You know that white one.." I've been seeing some images of people I haven't seen before in my dreams.

If you're gonna walk on thin ice might as well danceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें