The Strongest Qi Refiner Chapter 1: Refining gas for 5000 years

Start from the beginning

This is his obsession.

To this day, he has cultivated to the ninety-thousandth and 832nd level of the Qi Refining Period. But the average monk, as long as he cultivates to the twelfth floor, he can break through to the foundation building stage.

Fang Yu felt a little depressed when he thought of cultivation.

He took a deep breath, stood up, and looked at the papers on the desk filled with various prescriptions.

"I knew you would become such a drug addict, you shouldn't have taught you medicine back then!" Fang Yu gently shook his head and said helplessly.

According to Xiao Xia's last wish, he would organize these prescriptions and take them away.

Not long after he just started to organize, he heard some noisy footsteps and immediately raised his head and looked in a direction outside the thatched house window.

Xiaoxia has built a thatched house in such a place, but he can still be found?

Fang Yu frowned slightly.

Ten minutes later, a group of people came to the thatched house.

There are a total of seven people, including two young men and women, an old man in a wheelchair, and four strong men in suits and leather shoes. They look like bodyguards.

Seeing the dead old man sitting in a wheelchair, Fang Yu knew that these people must have come to seek medical treatment.

"Xia Yaoshen, hello, my name is Tang Feng, we are from the Tang family in Jiangnan, and we want to ask you to give it to me..." the handsome young man stepped forward and said loudly.

Fang Yu opened the door and interrupted him.

"You are late, Xia Xiuzhi has just passed away."

what! ?

The expressions of everyone present changed.

The medicine **** Xia Xiuzhi they were looking for... actually passed away! ?

"Why, why..." Tang Feng's face was pale, and he stared at Fang Yu blankly.

In order to cure Elder Tang’s serious illness, they used the resources of the entire family and spent a lot of manpower and material resources to find out the location of the medicine **** Xia Xiuzhi, who had been hiding from the world for nearly two decades.

After untold hardships, they finally found the thatched house where Xia Xiuzhi lived, but they didn't expect to get this news!

"How could it be such a coincidence? We just found...No, Xia Yaoshen must have not passed away. He just avoided the world and didn't want to see us!" The delicate-looking young girl said with red eyes, excitedly.

"Yes! The God of Medicine must still be in the thatched house!" Tang Feng walked directly into the thatched house with hope in his eyes.

Then, he saw Xia Xiuzhi lying on the bed with his eyes closed.

Tang Feng observed carefully and found that the old man on the bed had no breath.

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