chapter 49

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Ashton had hesitated to send it. But he finally got the balls to do it and pressed the send button.

He had waited for her to text back. What seemed like 7 minutes seemed like 7 years to him

Once his phone buzzed and it showed he had a new message he unlocked his phone so fast and looked at the message.

But it was from Luke.

Luke: you okay? You got up pretty fast.

Ashton sighed locking his phone and placed it on the side table. He was hoping for Cameron but it had just been Luke.

Fucking Luke.

After at least an hour in his room he got up and made his way to Laurens room. Knocking on the door she called out a simple 'come In' and he opened the door slowly. She was sitting at her desk drawing random things on her desk.

"Are you supposed to be doing that?" Ash asked sitting on the edge of her bed.

"I asked Mrs.Amy if I could since its white and she said "oh honey its your room do what you want to it even if its painting stick figures on the walls"" she smiled as she finished drawing a flower on the corner with vines coming out from it.

Ashton had gotten up and went over to her and hugged her.

"I love you" he said. She hugged back and told him that she loves him too. "Would you like to go out for a little bit today. Get out this house. Just you, me , and harry?"

"I would love that" she smiled and sat back down at the desk.

"Alright well make sure your ready by two. Im going to tell Harry" and he was out the door going to Harrys room to tell him.


It was around 8 and they had been to

·The park

·The mall

·The ice cream shop

·To lunch at Red Robins.

·Walked around for a bit

·And now to dinner.

At first they had gone to the park and they played on the playground and Ashton had pushed them both on the swing. They had played a game of hide in seek which Ashton had somehow lost every time.

Then at the mall they had gone into almost every shop because Lauren wanted to "browse a bit" but really she just wanted to go see if she had seen anything that she liked. Ashton had gotten some new shoes and clothes, Harry got a skateboard and new shoes, but Lauren had come out the mall with at least 7 big bags of random stuff from random stores. All Ash knew was that she got a good amount of stuff for her room.

The ice cream shop wasn't a long trip at all. They had gone in and gotten their ice cream and left.

It doesn't really make since on why they went to get ice cream before Lunch but no one seemed to mind. At lunch they just talked a bit about how they missed each other and how they are happy that they are together again.

After lunch they just walked around a bit more going in stores, watching street performers, and even seeing old friends, and taking a few photos to remember this day by.

Now they are going to dinner before they head home for the night.


It was almost 10 when they finally got home and the two kids went straight to their rooms to go to sleep.

Ashton had also gone to his room to lay down and when he was almost asleep his phone started to ring.

He left his phone at home all day not wanting to think about if Cameron was gonna call him or not. And it worked. The whole day he didn't think about her at all.

But once he looked at his phone she came back to his mind because she was the one calling him.

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