chapter 13

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Cameron pov.

Waking up with Luke next to me, I smiled and cuddled into his chest. Feeling him wrap his arms around me I assumed he was awake.

"Morning" I mumbled into his chest.

"Morning." He said in a low whisper.  I couldn't help but stare up at him as his, at the moment, light blue eyes looked down into mine.

Getting out the bed, I walked down the stairs with Luke trailing behind me. I walked into the kitchen to see that there was a packet sitting on the table with my name on it. With my adrenaline suddenly racing I picked up the packet and read the front.

To: Cameron Adams
From: King of State university

Reading the name I sucked in a breath and opened it as quickly as I could. Ripping it open I pulled out the letter and unfolded it.

Looking at it I read the first few words and screamed.

Turning around with a grin on my face Luke was smiling telling me to read it out loud.

""Dear Ms.Adams, we would like to congratulate you and welcome you to King Of State University. You have 2 weeks to get all your stuff together and get settled into your dorm. This packet has your classes and times scheduled and your dorm room number including key. It will also tell you all terms and conditions of attending this school. We thank you for applying to come to this university and we are sure you will do great!

See you soon"" I practically screamed and jumped around. Stopping I looked at Luke and he had a frown on his face. Out the corner of my eye I saw Ashton standing there with his arms crossed and he was looking at the ground.

Both of them looked sad and disappointed. But what I don't understand is why they would be upset, or even why Ashton is standing here looking like he cares.

"Whats wrong" I asked Luke and he shook his head.

"Your leaving me" he mumbled.

"No I'm not" I said quickly putting down the packet.

"You have two weeks left. I only have two weeks until you move to collage!"

"You should have known this was coming luke! Its collage. You can't really say anything when you are gonna leave me! If you remember correctly, you go on tours that last months. And im stuck here. This is gonna make you leaving me so much easier. I thought you would be happy for me!" I shouted.

"I am! I just don't wanna loose you" he spoke softly.

"Oh god would you two just fuck each other already I mean this is too much" Ashton snapped walking away.

My inner conscience yelled at me to go after him and thats what I did. Running up the stairs I stopped his door from closing by sticking my foot in the way. Watching him stumble back I pushed the door open and slammed it shut.

"What the hell?" He snapped and I crossed my arms.

"What is wrong with you!?" I yelled

"What ever could you mean.?" He was leaning against the wall.

"The fact that you just ignore me all the damn time and I want to know why. Yes I know what happened with your parents still haunts you but that doesn't mean you have to ignore me for no reason. Its been so damn long since we have actually had a conversation. You talk to everyone else but not me." I yell and he walked towards me. Leaning close to my face, my breath got caught in my throat and he said

"I have my reasons why I don't want to talk to you. That I don't want anything to do with you." And he pushed me out the room.

Notes to Ashton.Where stories live. Discover now