Chapter 15

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Dear Ashton

I have no idea what your problem is but it's bugging me. It's been a week since me and Luke got together so that means I only have a week left. I think that leaving is the best idea because not only am I gonna do something I love but I can get away from you. That sound insanely bitchy but it's true. I shouldn't like you the way I do because one I'm with Luke, and two your like family. And family doesn't date. It's insane how in one note I say I like you and in the next here I am saying i need to get away from you. I think I may be bipolar? No I'm not bipolar it's just I need to clear my head and being around you makes this hard. You have ignored me more than ever before and honestly it's bothering me. I wanna leave on good terms seeing as we may not see each other again for a few years anyway. This could be the last time we see each other because while I'm in collage you and Luke and the boys could become huge and travel the world to where I never see any of you again. What I'm trying to say is that this is my last note to you Ashton. I'm gonna give this to you just so you can see what's been going on. To show you how I really feel even though you most likely won't care. I know I said that I wasn't going to give it to you or you ever find out about this but maybe I would feel better if you had it.



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