chapter 11

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Dear Ashton,

So I sent in my application a few days ago along with the pictures and so far I haven't gotten anything back yet. I really wanna go so I can do what I love. I could become the band photo person. You know when you guys become famous.

Luke asked me if I loved him and I told him yea. As a friend though. He nodded and I took more pictures and shit.

The thing is I don't love Luke like that because one; hes more like a brother to me and two; I think I love someone else.

And I think that someone else is you ash.


"Hey Cam" Luke came in and jumped onto my bed with a 'uf' I shook my head and got off the floor and laid next to him after putting the notebook in my nightstand drawer. I cuddled up to luke and tangled my legs with his and he pulled me closer to his chest.

"So do you know when your applications are gonna be sent back?" He asked suddenly.

I shook my head slightly "nope. I hope soon though so I could go get my dorm and shit."

"Im gonna miss you" he mumbled and I closed my eyes burring my head deeper into the pillows.

"Im gonna miss you too but just think, this is gonna make things so much easier for when you guys go back on tour. This time I won't be in the way."

"You weren't in the way last time. You needed me and I wasn't gonna let you suffer!"

"I understand that Luke but you can't always just drop everything and come to my rescue." I sat up and looked him dead in the eyes. He quickly sat up and our faces were only inches apart and he whispered;

"I wanna be there to save you. That's what I'm here for. To be your hero."

"Your not always gonna be there and I don't want you to feel bad for when your not" I placed my hand on his cheek and his face was warmer than normal.

"I'm gonna make sure I'm there because weather you know it or not your my life. I will do anything to save you, to keep you safe." My hand traced his cheekbones and his eyes fluttered shut against my touch.

"Your gonna forget me one day Luke"

"No I'm not" he snapped.

"Yes you are. Your gonna get all famous and your gonna have a band and other things to worry about that I will just slip your mind and will become a old friend you used to care for."

"No, your gonna be my best friend that I invite to as many concerts as I can. Your gonna be my best friend that comes on tour with us. Your never gonna slip my mind because your constantly on it. You never go away but I don't want it any other way"

"Who knew you could be a poet" I smirked and he shook his head.

"Stop changing the subject"

"Can we just go to sleep? All this shit is making me tired" I asked and he nodded laying down pulling me with him.

Notes to Ashton.Where stories live. Discover now