chapter 41

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Ashton was still sitting at the kitchen table when his phone went off again. He looked at the number and sighed picking it up.


"Ashton please let me talk" she pleaded on the other side of the phone.

"Then speak Natalee. I don't have all day" he spoke. And she began.


Alex had gotten up after the movie ended to go to the bathroom, but stopped when she heard talking in the kitchen.

"Okay. I'll give you a chance." She heard Ashton say then it got silent.

Quickly she turned and made her way back to the basement quickly and acted as if she hadn't heard anything. But she knew she was gonna end up telling Cameron what she had heard. She always does.




"Wait, he what?" Cameron looked at Alex as she was sat down across from her. They where both the only two in the basement now and Alex thought it would be a good idea to tell her then.

"He's giving someone a chance."

"That girl.." Cam looked off and mumbled, Alex not hearing her.


"The girl he got pregnant called right before I came downstairs. He must have been talking to her.." She tried not letting it hurt her. But she couldn't help it. She felt used in a way. Making sweater paws with Michael's sweater she looked down at her hands.

"Oh Cam.." Alex pulled the upset girl in her arms and let her cry silently.

"I shouldn't have come home. I should have just stayed away"

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