chapter 19

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"You could always try to get her Ash. In my case I cant get Calum because he's not gay" Michael followed the taller lad through the house. Knowing that no one else was here because the others left earlier.

"You never know Mikey. I didn't know you where gay until a few hours ago. Speaking of that whole conversation being a hour ago why are we still on the topic?" Ashton stopped in his tracks to speak and watched as Michael looked at him.

"Maybe because I don't like seeing you upset and miserable. I know Harry and Lauren are one thing but I cant help you with that. But I can help you with Cameron. And if that means me driving you to her school and forcing you to talk to her then so be it."

"You cant d-" Ashton began but was cut off quickly.

"Watch me" the boy with colorful hair snapped and threw a pair of black converse at the boy with glasses. Catching them swiftly he slipped them on and sighed.

"She hates me though"

"She doesn't hate you. Believe me." Grabbing a set of car keys they were out the door and going to King Of State University.


Cameron just getting done with her shower she walked back to her dorm to see her roommate sitting at his desk actually doing work.

"Wow your actually doing something" she snickered and the boy with the black fringe turned around and glared at her. He pushed his glasses up his nose and looked back at the work.

As soon as he had done that she automatically thought about Ashton and his glasses. With those thick frames and how they would slowly slip down his nose.

Shaking the thought away she walked over to her bed and set her dirty clothes in the dirty clothes hamper that they are both sharing.

She nor he minded that they shared a clothes hamper and had to wash each other's clothes when it was there turn. It really wasn't a big deal.

Now the boy would sometimes whistle at her when he would find a thong or two within the clothes but she just glared at him and flipped him off.

The odd thing though is that she was paired with a boy as a roommate. She didn't know this school allowed such things but she didn't mind about this either.

He wasn't a bad roommate he just got slightly annoying. He wasn't classified as a school nerd that wanted to keep up with his studies, oh no he was completely different from that, but he wasn't bad boy asshole either.

He had his moments though.

Not really knowing what to do she told boy that she was going out for a bit. Him nodding she walked out the dorm but was stopped once she was in the hallway.

Standing in front of her was someone she didn't expect to see again. Someone that she wishes would disappear because she didn't think she could handle this

"Ashton?" She breathed.

"Oh my god Cameron" he said and walked closer to her wrapping his arms around her.

"What are you doing here? Why are you even here?" She got mad but also was confused.

"Look i know this seems weird that in here but I couldn't let you slip through my fingers more than you already have" he told her not wanting to let her go.

Notes to Ashton.Where stories live. Discover now