chapter 22

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Cameron pov.

God do I miss him. Its only been two days but it feels like its been two years. I already miss that curly headed boy with those thick framed glasses. Is it bad that I miss Ashton more than I miss my boyfriend? I mean I could always go home for the weekend and see them both, but that kiss me and Ashton shared..I know that he's not just gonna let it go because I haven't. Thats all I have been thinking about all week, the way his lips felt on mine, the way he grabbed my face in his large hands. I want that again. I want his lips on mine one more time and I know that's wrong. I know that I should be wanting Luke's lips on mine but no I want Ashton.

I have always wanted Ashton im just now figuring this out.

Getting a sudden erg and grabbing a pen, I grabbed a sheet of paper and began writing.


Ashton pov.




Thats all. Just Cameron. She wont leave my mind. Her eyes are imprinted in my brain and the feel of her lips are still lingering on mine.

Two days and its driving me insane. Two days and thats all but im already loosing my mind because I want her in my arms. Can I do anything about it? Can I ask her to be mine?




Why did Luke have to get in the damn way? Why can't he just leave her alone so I could have her.

But thats to selfish of me. To want her all to myself. I need something to get her off my mind. I need to do something so I can get over her. Like a rebound.


Dear Ashton,

You. Just you. Thats all thats on my mind. Not college work, not Luke, not Michael, not Calum. Nothing. Just you. You and those eyes. You and those curls. You and those glasses. Just everything. Its bad that I want to see you more than Luke at this point but I couldn't care less because I want you. In every way possible. Im falling for you Ashton. And there's not a god damn thing I can do about it because you might not love me. Im coming home for the weekend to see "the family" but honestly im only coming to see you. I need to ask if that kiss meant anything to you because it sure as hell meant a lot to me.

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