chapter 8

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Dear Ashton.

you came up the stairs when me and Luke were talking. I didn't notice you till afterwards but I knew you had been standing there for a while. I could tell by the look on your face. but why did you look sad. why did it look like you lost someone dear to you?

I don't know if I will find out.


Luke left and so did the boys besides Ashton because, well he lives here. I got up from my chair and walked into the bathroom, stripping my clothes off and got into the shower letting the warm water over take me.

-Ashton pov-

I listened as someone went into the bathroom. not knowing who it was made me curious so I got up and walked out my room to see that the bathroom door was shut and Cameron's was open. I looked into her room and she wasn't there. but what caught my attention is that at her desk, her chair was pulled out and turned plus there was a open notebook on the table. curiosity killed the cat yes I know but I wanted to know what it was.

I walked into her room and looked around making sure she wasn't hiding.

I looked down at the paper and gasped. it was a note. to me.

I flipped the pages and they were full of notes. to me.

I read a few of them before I heard the shower thing turn off. I left the notebook on the page the last note was written on and went back to my room as soon as the bathroom door opened. I slipped into my room, closing the door and leaned against it smiling.

she gets butterflies in her stomach when she sees me. she thinks I'm adorable.

but what if this is some kind if prank. like what if she is just writing that down because she knew I would find it.

but I know that she wouldn't be one to do something like that.

I lost my grin and walked over to my phone and called Luke.

"Hey" he said through the phone.

"I got a problem"

"what's wrong" he quickly said and I smiled.

"nothing bad, but I just found out that Cam has been writing notes to me. saying stuff I couldn't even imagine. Luke she self harms" I choked out.

"I know" he sighed and i was confused.

"what do you mean you know?"

"I have always known. she wont stop no matter how much I try to get her too. Ashton is there another reason why you called me?"


my mind blurted but I didn't say that. I wanted to tell him how I saw what she wrote about me. but it could just be a one time thing. she could be getting mixed feelings which will most likely blow over.

"no. I was just worried" I told him lying through my teeth.

"Alright Ash. ill see you tomorrow" I could hear his smile and I nodded remembering that he couldn't see me.

"okay." and I hung up.

I threw my phone on the bed sighing and laying down looking at the wall.

don't get your hopes up Ashton, no one could ever like you.

thanks a lot mind.

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