chapter 20

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Standing in the middle of the hallway she finally wrapped her arms around the tall lad and nuzzled her head into his chest.

Him sighing a sigh of relief he held onto her tighter and she noticed.


"Why what?" He looked down at her puzzled.

"Why did you treat me like that. Like I was invisible" she asked and he looked away.

"I-I really can't tell you that. It would ruin everything"

"What is there to ruin Ashton? Its not like we were ever friends or anything" she snapped and tried stepping away but Ashton wouldn't let her go. Not wanting to lose contact that he desperately wanted.

"It's just..I would be embarrassing myself if I told you. Because I know your not gonna feel the same way so there really is n-" he was cut off by her hand covering his mouth.

"Just tell me" she insisted and he nodded looking over her.

"I ignored you all this time because I like you. And not as a friend and not as a 'sibling' I like like you and I knew that I couldn't do anything about it. I distanced myself so I wouldn't get attactched to something I couldn't have. But that didn't work so the only other way I had was to treat you like a ass." He stepped back finally letting  go of her but grabbing her arm. He flipped it over and old fadded marks were crossing every direction. "That one day, you came out the bathroom and didn't look at me till I asked you if you were okay, I could tell what you did. You had been in there for a bit but the toilet never flushed. You came out with your eyes puffy and red and my conclusions were correct. You had did what I hoped you didnt. I know I was and ass but I still would have helped you. Damn it I know how it feels to be alone all the time"  after he finished he let her arm go and stepped back rubbing his neck.

"I don't care if we are 'siblings' damn it Ash I was falling for you! But im with Luke now. You lost your chance." She looked up at him ad he looked at her through those thick framed glasses that she loved. Taking his arm and flipping it she saw his scars too. The ones she was hoping were not gonna be there. "You could have come to me too Ashton. I could have helped you."

"How could you help me when you were trying to help yourself."

"Because your the only thing that I really needed. And I could have been the thing you needed." She walked bsck into his embrace.  Ashton smiled at that.

"Im so sorry" he mumbled looking into her eyes.

"Don't be sorry. I guess things happen for a reason" Cam said and hugged him.


"So is this your boyfriend?" Tyler had asked as he walked out into the hallway to see Cameron and Ashton in a tight embrace.

"Oh no" she pulled away and turned to the boy with the black fringe. Tyler looked at them confused and was about to speak but Ashton stopped him.

"Im her brother" he smiled and Tyler nodded.

"Okay well im going out. Most likely gonna come home late again. You know why." Tyler winked at Cam and Ashton tensed up.

"Alright" she nodded and he walked off.

"I don't like him. Can I beat him in the head with my drum sticks?" The boy with the glasses asked and Cameron shook her head and walked in her dorm.

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